Total Investment
Investment Amount
Estimated Returns
Total Value
Use the PNB Lumpsum Calculator to know the future value of your current investments.
Total Investment
Investment Amount
Estimated Returns
Total Value
PNB Lumpsum Calculator is a financial calculator developed to determine the future value of lumpsum investments made in Punjab National Bank (PNB) Mutual Fund. By entering the investment amount, expected return, and investment period, you can calculate the expected returns and future value of your investment easily.
With the help of the PNB Lumpsum Calculator, you can avoid manual calculations and get results quickly. You will be able to see how your investments will grow over time, which will help you plan your finances better.
Here is how a PNB Mutual Fund Lumpsum Calculator will make a difference for anyone thinking about investing a lumpsum amount in mutual funds:
It gives you accurate estimates of future returns and the future value of the amount invested today.
By calculating the expected returns of different mutual funds, you can then decide which funds to invest in as per your financial goals.
Manually calculating returns can take time, so it is best to use Pocketful's PNB Lumpsum calculator, as it delivers results in seconds.
It helps you set realistic investment goals by letting you know how much needs to be invested today to earn a specific return. Be it retirement, education, or any other financial goal, this tool can be used to determine the amount to be invested today.
The PNB Lumpsum calculator uses a simple formula to calculate the future value of your investment. To get started, simply enter the following details:
The amount you’re planning to invest today.
Annual expected return of the mutual fund you’re investing in.
The amount of time you would like to stay invested.
Using the details entered, the calculator generates estimated returns and the total value of your investment.
The formula used to calculate future value is:
FV | FV is the future value of the investment. It is the amount that the individual could expect to receive in the future. |
P | Principal amount or lumpsum investment |
r | Expected Annual Return (in %) |
n | Investment period (in years) |
Example: Suppose you invest ₹1,00,000 in a mutual fund with an expected annual return of 10% for 5 years.
P = ₹1,00,000
r = 10% = 0.10
n = 5
Using the formula:
FV = 1,00,000 × (1 + 0.10)5
FV = 1,00,000 × (1.61051)
FV = ₹1,61,051
Thus, your investment grows to ₹1,61,051, yielding a profit of ₹61,051 over 5 years.
You can use the PNB lumpsum calculator by following the simple steps mentioned below:
Enter the amount you wish to invest.
Enter the annual return you expect to earn from the mutual fund.
Specify the number of years you wish to remain invested.
The calculator shows the future value of your investment amount and estimated returns instantly. With the help of these steps, you can save and invest according to your financial goals.
The PNB Lumpsum Calculator is a valuable tool for an investor due to the following reasons:
The simple interface makes it easy for a first-time user to understand.
You could adjust the rate of return or the investment duration to check for different scenarios before making an investment decision.
You can avoid manual errors because this tool does the calculations perfectly.
The tool quickly calculates estimated returns and the future value of your investment.
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