I want to invest monthly
Investment Amount
Estimated Returns
Total Amount
The SBI SIP calculator helps you calculate potential returns on systematic investment plans for Mutual Funds.
I want to invest monthly
Investment Amount
Estimated Returns
Total Amount
An SBI SIP Calculator is an online tool that helps you calculate the future value of your mutual fund investments made through SIPs. This calculator takes into account your monthly SIP amount, the expected rate of return, and the investment duration to estimate your returns.
SIPs represent a disciplined method of investing in mutual funds, where one can invest small amounts at regular intervals rather than lumpsum investments. Using the SBI Mutual Fund calculator, you can assess the potential growth of your SIP investments based on the inputs.
The SBI Mutual Fund Calculator gives you a clear idea of the returns you can expect to earn from your SIP investments. Considering your monthly contributions, the annual growth rate, and the time period, the calculator gives you an estimate of the investment amount at the end of the investment period. This can help you in:
Helps you set realistic investment goals.
Helps compare the returns of different mutual fund schemes.
It lets you track how your SIP investments are growing over time.
It helps you analyze how changing your SIP amounts, tenure, and growth rate can affect returns.
This is a key tool that optimizes your investment decisions and helps investors assess the potential of SIPs in achieving long-term financial goals.
The SIP calculator works on the following inputs:
The amount you invest every month.
This is the anticipated rate of return you expect to earn yearly.
Number of years for which you want to invest.
The SBI SIP Calculator relies on the following simple formula to calculate returns:
P | Monthly SIP Amount |
r | Monthly Growth rate = ( Yearly Growth Return ) / 12 |
n | Time period in months = Time Period * 12 |
Let's work through an example for better understanding.
Consider an example for a better understanding.
5 years (60 months)
12% per annum (1% per month)
Using the formula:
FV = 10,000 × {[(1 + 0.01)^60 – 1] ÷ 0.01} × (1 + 0.01)
After calculation, you will get an approximate future value of ₹8,24,864.
In conclusion, your monthly ₹10,000 SIP invested at an annual growth rate of 12% for 5 years will grow to ₹8,24,864 at the end of 5 years.
The online SBI SIP calculator is easy to use, and you can get the future value of your investments in seconds by entering details like SIP amount, investment duration, and rate of return. Here's how you can use an online SBI SIP calculator:
Step 1: Enter the monthly amount you intend to invest as SIP.
Step 2: Adjust the slider to set the investment period.
Step 3: Adjust the slider to select the expected rate of return you expect to earn yearly.
The online SBI SIP calculator provides the approximate value of your SIP investments at the end of the SIP tenure, along with estimated returns.
Another benefit is that it helps you estimate the amount you should invest monthly to achieve a particular financial goal using its online SBI SIP calculator. It can be done by adjusting the inputs to achieve the desired maturity value.
The SBI SIP Calculator offers a range of benefits. These are as follows:
It can be used to quickly calculate the potential returns you can earn, saving your valuable time.
It enables you to decide on the SIP amount according to your financial goals.
You can refer to the visual to see the breakdown of the maturity amount divided into total invested and total returns earned.
It can be used for different mutual fund schemes, amounts, and durations.
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