A2Z Infra Engineering Ltd
A2Z Infra Engineering Ltd Company History
A2Z Infra Engg mainly includes supply, erection and maintenance of electrical transmission lines including laying and maintenance of Optic Fiber Cable (OFC) and allied services to power distribution companies
A2Z Maintenance & Engineering Services Limited ("AMESL") wins order worth Rs 122.50 crores
M/s Walker, Chandiok & Co. Chartered Accountants has been appointed as Statutory Auditors of the Company
A2Z Maintenance & Engineering receives new rating by CARE, CARE A2
A2Z Maintenance & Engineering Services Ltd has informed BSE that Share Purchase Agreement executed on November 12, 2012 by and between the Company, Sardana Recycling Private Limited, A2Z E Waste and Dataserv APAC Limited.
A2Z Maintenance & Engineering Services "Securing Orders worth. approx Rs. 2,400 Crores for EPC work against APO (Advance Purchase Order) ) received by Sterlite Technologies Ltd and ITI Ltd".
A2Z Maintenance & Engineering Services Ltd. changed its company name to A2Z Infra Engineering Ltd as well as trading symbol of the Company be changed from A2ZMES to A2ZINFRA w.e.f. December 31, 2014.
A2Z Infra bags construction project in UP
A2Z Infra Engineering Ltd has informed that a Contract has been awarded from Nepal Electricity Authority (a Government of Nepal Undertaking) vide Letter of Award bearing dated June 10, 2016 for Expansion of Distribution Network in the Western Region of Nepal
A2Z Infra Engineering wins Rs 41.33 crores contract
A2Z Infra wins order worth Rs 39.31 crores from DMRC
A2Z Infra Engineering Ltd bags contract from CPWD, New Delhi.
A2Z received an Order from Damodar Valley Corporation for aggregate amount of Rs. 12,43,42,681.94.