Beeyu Overseas Ltd
Beeyu Overseas Ltd Company History
Beeyu Overseas is not engaged in any Non-Banking Financial or Housing Finance activities.
The first manufacturing unit, a 1200 tpa CTC factory is set up at Nilgiri at an elevation of 7800 ft.
Production at CTC factory commences on 15th January, 2001.
The Corporate Head Office of Beeyu is constructed at up-market Ballygunge Circular Road, in Calcutta to serve as the nerve centre and to oversee the international and domestic operations.
To achieve economies of scale, the blending unit, hitherto situated in Coimbatore, is shifted to the plantation at Doddabetta with major up-gradation.
To cater to the increasing overseas demands in Russia and CIS countries and opening up of other markets, the Company sets up a state-of-art orthodox tea manufacturing unit in the existing Estate at Doddabetta with an installed capacity of 1800 tpa. Commercial production starts on 12th August, 2003.
To emphasize its commitment to management quality, the Company gets its processes ISO 9000:2001 from PET NORSKE VERUAS.
With firming up of the domestic tea market and the future prospects looking even brighter, the Company de-bonds the CTC EOU unit and enters the domestic bulk tea market in a major way.
To ensure consistent supply of quality green leaf, the Company has adopted a village in the Doddabetta region which produces quality green leaf.
To exploit the growing demands for tea in the international and domestic market, the Company embarks on a major expansion program for setting up additional CTC and Orthodox tea production facilities
The first phase of the Company's expansion program involving one CTC and one Orthodox tea factory will become operational doubling the total manufacturing facility from 3,000 tpa to 6,000 tpa.
The second phase of the Company's expansion program involving another CTC and Orthodox tea factory will be commissioned increasing the total manufacturing facility to 9,000 tpa.
Beeyu joins hand with Fern Tea for Sri Lanka entry
Beeyu Overseas has designated E-mail ID for Investor Complaints:
[email protected]