Borosil Renewables Ltd
Borosil Renewables Ltd Company History
Borosil Renewables is engaged in manufacturing of Low Iron textured Solar Glass for application in Photovoltaic panels, Flat plate collectors and Green houses.
Borosil Glass Works Ltd has appointed Mr. Utpal Kumar Mukhopadhyay (IAS Retd.) and Mr. Shreevar Kheruka as Additional Directors of the Company w.e.f. August 24, 2009.
AGC launches sales of UV Verre Premium The world first*1 approx. 99%*2 UV blocking tempered glass for automotive front door windows.
Safti First launches mySAFTI App for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
Mr. Dinesh Vaswani is appointed as Additional Director of the Company.
Ms. Swati Sahukara, has joined as Company Secretary of the Company.
The Board have recommended final dividend of Rs. 15/- per Equity Share.
The Board has recommended a Dividend of Rs. 15/- on equity shares of Rs. 10/- each for the year ended March 31, 2012.
Nationwide Windscreen awarded three-year contract with Lex Autolease.
Board has recommended a Dividend of Rs. 15/- per Equity Share of Rs. 10/- each.
The Company has appointed Mrs. Anupa Sahney as Additional Director of the Company.
Borosil Glass Works gets nod for further investment in WOS
Borosil Glass Works has acquired 100% equity shares of Hopewell Tableware Private Limited alongwith all its assets & liabilities and consequent to such acquisition, Hopewell has become an unlisted wholly owned subsidiary (WOS) of the Company.
Borosil Glass buys 60% stake in glass packaging firm Klasspack Pvt Ltd.
Allotment Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please note that the Bonus Shares Issue Committee of Board of Directors of the Company, has at its meeting held today i.e. August 06, 2018, allotted 6,93,00,000 Bonus Equity Shares of Re. 1/- each to the shareholders holding shares as on the record date i.e. August 03, 2018.
Capeil Special Export Award 2016 and 2017
CII BE STAR Emerging Leader: Excellence in Operations Management 2017
NDTV Mercer Employer Excellence Awards 2017
This is to inform you that the Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 18, 2018 has approved a Composite Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement which, inter alia, provides for: (i) Amalgamation of Vyline Glass Works Limited ('VGWL'), Fennel Investment and Finance Private Limited ('FIFPL') and Gujarat Borosil Limited ('GBL') with Borosil Glass Works Limited ('BGWL') - BGWL will be renamed as Borosil Renewables Limited or any other name as approved by Registrar of Companies('ROC'); and (ii) Demerger of, inter alia, Scientific and Industrial products and Consumer products business of BGWL along with the existing business of VGWL vested in BGWL pursuant to amalgamation of VGWL with BGWL ('the Demerged Undertaking') into Hopewell Tableware Private Limited ('HTPL' - a wholly owned subsidiary of BGWL) - HTPL will be renamed as Borosil Limited or any other name as approved by ROC.
The company has said that approved acquisition of existing closely held non-listed domestic public limited companies namely Borosil Technologies Limited (formerly known as Borosil Glass Limited) and Borosil International Limited by acquiring its 100% shares, please find enclosed herewith the disclosure pursuant to Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
15th FGI Awards : Outstanding Entrepreneur 2018
FT 1000 High Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2018
REI Awards 2018 Component Manufacturers
The Company has made an additional investment of Rs. 5,00,00,089 by way of subscription towards the First call and Second call & Final call in the rights issue of partly paid up equity shares of Klass Pack Limited (Klasspack), a subsidiary company. Therefore, the said shares have now become fully paid up.
The Company has made an additional investment of Rs. 5,00,00,089/- by way of subscription to the fresh rights issue of partly paid up equity shares of Klass Pack Limited (Klasspack), a subsidiary company. With the said investment, the Company's shareholding in Klasspack has increased from 75.73% to 79.52%.
Borosil Glass Works Limited has informed that ''Disclosure under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 ?? Update on Composite Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement amongst Vyline Glass Works Ltd, Fennel Investment and Finance Pvt Ltd, Gujarat Borosil Ltd, Borosil Glass Works Ltd and Borosil Limited
REI Awards 2019 Component Manufacturers
Allotment of Equity Shares of Borosil Renewables Limited (the 'Company') to the shareholders of Vyline Glass Works Limited, Fennel Investment and Finance Private Limited and Gujarat Borosil Limited ('Transferor Companies') pursuant to part B of the Composite Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement
Borosil Glass Works Limited has informed that ''Composite Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement: Resulting changes in Key Managerial Personnel of the Company''.
Great Place to Work : India's Best Leaders in Times of Crisis 2021
National Award for Successful Commercialisation of Indigenous Technology India Green Manufacturing Challenge 2021: Gold Medal
Borosil Renewables Ltd. (BRL) announces acquisition of Interfloat Group, the largest solar glass manufacturer in Europe.
Borosil Renewables has commenced the commercial production of Solar Glass from the SG-3 furnace at its plant in Bharuch District, Gujarat from 23 February 2023. With this, the production capacity of the Company for production of Solar Glass has increased from 450 Tonnes Per Day to 1000