Donear Industries Ltd
Donear Industries Ltd Company History
Donear Industries is manufaturer of fabrics having its own brand name 'Donear' and also trading in garments under the brand name of 'Dcot'. The Company sell its product through multiple channels including wholesale, retail and franchisee etc.
Mauritius based fund house Citigroup Global Markets had acquired a 5.77% stake in domestic textiles company Donear Industries for about Rs 22.2 crore in open market transactions.
Donear Industries has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 1:1
Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 10 to Rs 2
2007 - The board of the company had decided to raise funds worth approximately Rs 1.5-1.6 billion in Indian Rupees/foreign currencies to fund future expansion projects of the company, develop new business and acquire existing businesses in India and abroad.
The company had planned to invest Rs 3.5 billion in new projects. The company prepared to invest Rs 3.5 billion for its integrated facility in Surat, and foray into retail for its future growth prospects.
The company announced on September that the young, talented Indian Cricketer Yuvraj Singh as the brand ambassador for Donear Suitings & Shirtings.
The Company has recommended dividend @ Rs 0.50 per share.
The Company has recommended for approval of members a dividend of Rs 0.50 per share (25%) for the year.
The Company has recommended of 25% i.e. Rs. 0.50 per share for the year.
The Company has recommended Dividend @ Rs. 0.50 per equity share of Rs. 2/- each for the year ended.
Mr. Durgaprasad Agarwal and Mr. Ajay V Agarwal were appointed as Directors.
The Company recommented dividend of 10% i.e. Re. 0.20 per share for the year.
Donear Industries recommented dividend of 10% i.e. Re. 0.20 per share.
Donear Industries has recommended the Dividend of 10% i.e. Rs. 0.20 paisa per equity share of Rs. 2.00 each.
The Registered Office of the Company has been shifted from 210, Key Tuo Industrial Estate, Kondivita Lane, Near MIDC, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 059 to Donear House, 8th floor, Plot No. A-50, Road No. 1, MIDC, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 093.
Donear group promoters acquire OCM Woolen Mills.