EID Parry (India) Ltd
EID Parry (India) Ltd Company History
EID Parry (India) is a significant player in Sugar with interests in promising area of Nutraceuticals. The Company has six sugar factories having a capacity to crush 40,300 Tonnes of Cane per day, generate 140 MW of power and five distilleries having a capacity of 417 KLPD. In the Nutraceuticals business, it holds a strong position in the growing wellness segment mainly catering to the world markets with its organic products.
Acquires 22,50,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each in SanthanaLakshmi Investments Pvt Ltd, which has become subsidiary of EID.
Invensys India Pvt Ltd finishes the performance based automation project at the Pudukkotai Sugar mill of the company.
Board approves for the scheme of demerger whereby the company's farm inputs division comprising of Fertilizers & pesticides would be demerged into Coromandel Fertilizers Ltd.
Lunches 'Experiencecentre' in Bangalore.
Bags orders for installation of hands free integrated electronic flushing urinal system in schools.
Diversifies into contract farming and branded marketing of rice.
Mr R Seshasayee, Director resigns from the Board of the company.
Company has informed that the Hob'ble High Courts of Judicature at Madras and Andhra Pradesh have sanctioned the Scheme of Arrangement for demerger of Farm Inputs Division of the Company to Coromandel Fertilisers Ltd (CFL) and the amalgamation of Parry & Company Ltd (P&CO) and Mofussil Warehousing and Trading Company Ltd (MWT), the companies wholly owned subsidiaries with the Company.
Mr RS Nanda, has resigned as a Director of the Company.
EID Parry contemplates on Nellikuppam plant sale
EID Parry - Divestment of equity shares in Parry's Confectionery
MR S.M. DATTA, former Chairman of Hindustan Lever Ltd, will take over as the Chairman of EID Parry (India) Ltd. The incumbent Chairman of the company, Mr M.V. Subbiah, has retired, on attaining the age of retirement. Mr Subbiah will also be relinquishing office from the other statutory board positions of the Murugappa group companies
EID Parry (India) Ltd has informed that at the Board Meeting held on January 19, 2004, Mr. P. Rama Babu, Whole time Director has been redesignated as Managing Director
Opens Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMCs) for bathrooms, first of its kind in the country
EID Parry (India) Ltd's sanitary ware manufacturing plants at Ranipet, Alwar and Dewas have been given the ISO 14001: 1996 Environment Management system certifications by the British Standards Institute.
E.I.D. Parry launches 'Parry's Pure Refined Sugar'.
EID Parry acquires New Horizon Sugar Mills for Rs 50.20 crore
Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 10 to Rs 2
EID Parry on December 08, 2006 has signed a Joint Venture Agreement (JV) with Cargill Asia Pacific Holdings PTE Ltd, (Cargill) a wholly owned subsidiary of Cargill International, consequent to which the parties have made an initial subscription to the share capital of Parrys Sugars Refineries Pvt Ltd.
EID Parry India Ltd has informed that Mr. Sridhar Ganesh has been appointed as an Additional Director (Non Executive Non Independent Director) of the Company with effect from March 20, 2009.
Acquires a Majority Satke in Parrys Sugar industries ltd (previously known as GMR Industries Ltd) Via open offer.
Subdivides face value of equity shares from Rs.2 per share to Rs.1Per Share.
Sells off Entire holding in Roca Bathroom Procducts Pvt.Ltd.
Increased the throughput sugrcane capacity to 32500 TCD & co-generation to 146MW.
Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 2 to Re 1
Sadashiva Sugars Ltd has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.
Mr. V. Ravichandran has appointed Non Executive Vice Chairman.
Best Sugar Cane Development Award for the season 2011-12 in Andhra Pradesh state from SISTA (South Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists Association).
EID Parry (India) Ltd. has appointed Ms. G.Jalaja as Company Secretary and Compliance officer of the company.
EID Parry (India) Ltd. has acquired 100% stake in Alimtec S.A. Chile part of the Bayer Group.
Amalgamation of Parry Phytoremedies Private Limited with EID Parry India Limited
EID Parry unit gets USFDA nod for Indian microalgae facility
EID Parry arm partners Synthite for extraction of Phycocyanin.
EID Parry was Award From CII For Most Innovative Environmental Project at Chennai
EID Parry Ltd is in joint venture with Synthite Industries Ltd to grow the business as a value-added algae company
EID Parry wins the ÂEconomic Times Best Brands 2019Â award
EID Parry (India) Ltd is Voted Superbrand of the Year 2021.