Gitanjali Gems Ltd
Gitanjali Gems Ltd Company History
Gitanjali Gems Ltd is engaged in manufacturing and export of polished diamonds.(Source : Website)
Gitanjali Gems IPO to price at Rs 210-250 per share
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has informed that the company has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with M/s. Sanghavi Exports.
Gitanjali Gems on March 27, announced the signing of a new joint venture agreement with Sanghavi Exports under which it will become a 50-50 partner in Spectrum Jewellery.
Gitanjali Gems enters into JV with Modern India
Gitanjali Gems enters into MOU with Sulieman Al Othaim, Saudi Arabia
Gitanjali Gems acquires Samuels Jewelers Inc, USA
Gitanjali Gems sets up IT company
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on January 30, 2010, inter alia, has appointed Mr. Sunil Varma as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Company with effect from December 01, 2009.
Gitanjali - Restructuring of Branded Jewellery Business.
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has informed BSE the Company has incorporated GGL Diamond, LLC in United States of America, through its wholly owned subsidiary Gitanjali USA, Inc. The main object of GGL Diamond LLC is to source and distribute diamond and jewellery.
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has informed BSE regarding a Press Release dated September 08, 2011 titled "Gitanjali Gems completes Brand Valuation for key Indian Brands in its portfolio".
In line with the ongoing exercise of re-aligning and restructuring of international business of the Company, the jewellery manufacturer Gitanjali Gems said that it has transferred stakes in its Italian wholly owned subsidiaries.
Stocks of Jewelry making enterprise Gitanjali jewels, showed an excellent movement throughout the day on the Bombay stock exchange (BSE) sensex on the back of restructuring news.
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has informed BSE that Aston Luxury Group Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company has acquired entire stake in Leading Jewels of Japan K K with a view to expand its business in Japan and adjoining region. The main activity of Leading Jewels of Japan K K is Production, sales, purchase, import and export of diamonds, precious stones, jewels and jewellery.
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 11, 2012, has decided to shift registered office of the Company from 801/802, Prasad Chambers, Opera House, Mumbai - 400 004 to Office no, 1, A- Wing, 7th Floor, Laxmi Tower, Bandra - Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051.
In order to seize the emerging online market, countryâs jewelry maker and retailer Gitanjali Gems has decided to focus on e-commerce, said the media reports.
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has informed BSE that the Company, through its Hong Kong based wholly owned subsidiary 'Aston Luxury Group Limited', has Incorporated 'Leading Singapore Jewels Pte. Ltd.', with a view to expand it's business in Singapore and Far Eastern regions. The main activity of 'Leading Singapore Jewels Pte. Ltd.' is retailing and distribution of jewellery.
Registered Office of the Company has been shifted from 801/802, Prasad Chambers, Opera House, Mumbai - 400004 to Office no, 1, A- Wing, 7th Floor, Laxmi Tower, Bandra - Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400051.
Gitanjali Gems has received the B. G. Deshmukh Corporate Social Responsibility Special Jury Award 2013 from MCCIA (Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture) for its various CSR Activities.
Gitanjali Gems honoured at CNBC TV 18 Emerging India Awards 2013
Gitanjali Gems announces the merger of Gems London Co. Ltd. with Imacbc Co. Ltd. in Japan
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has Launch of various brand stores between May 01, 2013 to May 13, 2013.
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has recommended a Dividend of Rs. 3.00 per Equity Share of Face Value of Rs. 10 each.
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has approved the appointment of Mr. Chandrakant Karkare as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Company
Gitanjali Gems Ltd has Scheme of Amalgamation of Gitanjali Exports Corporation Limited (GECL).
Gitanjali Gems Merger of Gitanjali Exports Corporation Limited with the Company