Hindalco Industries Ltd
Hindalco Industries Ltd Company History
Hindalco Industries is primarily engaged in two main streams of business namely Aluminium and Copper. In Aluminium business, the Company has presence across the entire value chain starting from mining of bauxite and coal through production of primary Aluminium and value added products like flat rolled product, extrusion and light gauge products for use in various applications like packaging, can, foil, food and beverage as well as products for use in aerospace, automotive, electronic, transportation, building and construction and other industrial segments. In Copper business, the Company has one of the largest single location Copper smelting facility in India. The Company produces copper cathode, copper rods and precious metals.(Source : 202303 Annual Report Page No:526)
The Company was Incorporated on 15th December, at Mumbai to manufacture alumina, aluminium and aluminium fabricated items.
The Company was formed by the house of Birlas in collaboration with the Kaiser Organisation of U.S.A. According to the Company's agreement with Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, the Collaborators agreed to allot to the Collaborators 4,80,000 fully paid-up equity
shares of Rs 10 each.
The Company also concluded Technical Advisers and Consultants Agreements with Kaiser Aluminium Technical Services Inc., California, who agreed to train the Indian technical personnel, to supply the Company necessary technical advice, to assist in operating the plant
including aluminium fabrication and to provide information for a period of 20 years on all technical matters.
An agreement was also entered into with Henry J. Kaiser Company for such design, engineering procurement and related services with regard to the construction of the plant at Rihand as were to be performed outside India and with Kaiser Engineers Overseas Corporation for such services to be rendered in India.
2,50,000 Pref. & 58,50,000 equity shares issued through a prospectus of which 4,80,000 shares allotted without payment in cash to Kaiser Aluminium Corporation and 9,61,000 shares against cash. 1,20,000 shares to Kaiser Aluminium Technical Services Inc. allotted without
payment in cash 21,33,000 shares to Birla Gwalior Pvt. Ltd. & 21,56,000 shares to public.
Rate of dividend on pref. shares altered. In 1962, 10,750 No. of equity shares & 300 pref. shares forfeited. Forteiture on 2,250 No. of equity shares annulled.
The Properzi mill plant was set up for the production of redraw rods with a rated capacity of 6,000 tonnes per annum.
Forfeiture on 30 pref. and 3,950 No. of equity shares annulled. Another 2,250 No. of equity shares forfeited. Arrears: Rs 4,000.
An extrusion press and rolling mill for the production of aluminium extrusions and rolled products (sheets, etc.) was installed with rated capacity of 2,000 tonnes and 7,000 tonnes respectively, thus bringing the total capacity of the fabrication plant to 15,000 tonnes per annum.
The annual licensed production capacity of the primary metal of 60,000 tonnes was achieved. Several modifications in the plant were also implemented which enhanced the Company's production of primary metal to 200 tonnes per day by the end of 1968.
Another Properzi mill plant was commissioned which expanded the fabrication plant capacity from 15,000 tonnes per annum to 37,000 tonnes per annum.
Two more extrusion presses and a few additional facilities in rolling mill were erected by the end of the year to get higher production.
1,00,000 9.3% Pref. shares issued at par in 1968. 3,61,383 Equity shares out of 1967 issue allotted in 1968. Arrears of Rs 4,000.
20,07,973 Bonus Equity shares issued in the proportion 1:4. Arrears of Rs 4,000.
By the middle of the year the total installed capacity of the metal rose to 95,000 tonnes per annum.
The Company revalued its plant and machinery as on 1st January, and the surplus of Rs 61,71,60,821 arising out of it was transferred to capital reserves.
As on 1st January, the Company further revalued the major items of land, buildings and plant and machinery. A surplus of Rs 83,97,23,344 arising out of this was transferred to capital reserve.
33,46,622 Bonus Equity shares issued in proportion 1:3 in June.
The Company issued secured non-convertible debentures for a sum of Rs 17.50 crores for augmenting the resources for long-term working capitalrequirements.
26.69% of the Company's equity capital was held by Kaiser Aluminium & Chemical Corporation, U.S.A., along with their nominees (Kaisers) aggregating to 35,73,332 equity shares of Rs 10 each as on 31st December.
The highlight of the alumina plant expansion and modernisation was the installation of a gas suspension calciner which was reported to be the first of its kind in the world. The design and technology was provided by F. L. Smidth & Co. of Denmark.
An agreement was finalised with M & F of Switzerland for installing the double digestion system to further reduce the steam consumption.
With regard to the reduction plant, the Company received a licence to enhance its capacity from 1,20,000 tonnes to 1,50,000 tonnes of aluminium per annum.
The Company was also engaged in expansion of capacity from 1,20,000 tonnes to 1,50,000 tonnes of aluminium per annum.
The Company was also engaged in modernising its smelter with a view of effect substantial savings in energy consumption. With regard to the fabrication facilities, the Company had in hand a licence to expand the capacity from 37,000 tonnes to 55,700 tonnes per annum.
The Company holds the entire issued capital of 35,006 equity shares of Rs 10 each of its subsidiary, Minerals and Minerals Ltd., Calcutta. During the year the two companies named Siddhpeeth Commercial Pvt. Ltd., and Dhakshinanchal Commercial Pvt. Ltd., became subsidiaries of the Company. Marigold Holdings & Trading Ltd., and Dhakshinanchal
Finance Ltd., were also subsidiaries of the Company.
The Company issued 40,00,000-15% non-convertible debentures of Rs 100 each for Rs 40 crores as rights to resident equity and preference shareholders and debenture holders. The proceeds were to be utilised for financing the Company's modernisation scheme.
As a matter of policy, Kaiser Group decided to divest its holdings in various corporations world-wide where they did not hold the majority interest. As part of this disinvestment programme, they also decided to disinvest their holdings in the Company.
The scheme to install double digestion system in the alumina plant was under implementation. As a part of its energy conservation programme, the Company commissioned a microprocessor based controls on 20 pots on an experimental basis to control pot voltage, alumina feeding, etc.
During the year, an application was submitted for permission to increase the smelting capacity of Renukoot by a further 1 lakh tonnes per annum along with matching alumina production and thermal power generating capacity.
The Company entered into an agreement with the Pradeshiya Industrial & Investment Corporation of U.P. (PICUP) on 2nd January for setting up an aluminium foil manufacturing unit in the Assisted Sector at Jagdishpur in Sultanpur district of U.P. The capacity of this foil
plant was envisaged at 5,000 tonnes per annum and the estimated cost of the project was Rs 50 crores. This project was cleared under the MRTP Act in April 1989.
During May-June, Kaiser Group disinvested all its equity shareholders in the Company.
Conform extrusion machine was installed and commissioned.
(15 months), the Company issued 14% non-convertible debentures of Rs 100 each for Rs 45 crores on a rights basis to the existing resident equity shareholders and preference shareholders. The funds thus raised were utilised for the Company's modernisation schemes.
The holdings of Kaisers were offered for sale as follows: (i) 32,71,050 equity shares of Rs 10 each at premium of Rs 40 per share to the shareholders of the Company as rights in proportion 1:3 (fractions to be ignored) and (ii) 3,02,282 equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 40 per share to the employees of the Company on an equitable basis.
44,62,622 Bonus Equity Shares issued in proportion 1:3. Rate of interest on preference shares increased to 15%.
The sixty pot line was commissioned, with the addition of 70 pot cells, thereby increasing the installed aluminium production capacity to 1.35 lakh tonnes per annum. Installation of a new cold rolling was taken up to enhance the capacity of rolled products by 40,000 tonnes
per annum.
The rate of Central Excise Duty on aluminium was also increased by the Finance Act.
The name of the Company was changed from Hindustan Aluminium Corporation Ltd., to Hindalco Industries Ltd.
During January-February, the Company issued 53,54,595-12.5% secured redeemable partly convertible debentures of Rs 250 each on Rights basis in the proportion 3 debentures: 10 equity shares held. Additional 8,03,189 debentures were allotted to retain oversubscription.
Another 2,81,820 debentures were issued to the employees (including Indian working directors)/workers) of the Company on an equitable basis (only 2,23,450 debentures were taken up). The unsubscribed portion of 58,370 debentures was allowed to lapse.
As per the terms of the debenture issue, a portion of Rs 110 (Part-A) of the face value of each debenture was converted automatically into one fully paid-up equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 100 per share on the expiry of six months from the date of allotment.
The balance of Rs 140 (Part-B) of the face value of each debenture would be redeemed at par in two equal instalments of Rs. 70 each at the end of the 7th and 8th year from the date of allotment of debentures.
63,81,234 No of Equity Shares allotted in part conversion of 12.5% debentures as on 1.10.1990 (prem. Rs. 100). 145,37,930 bonus shares issued in prop. 3:5 in October.
The Company issued 40,00,000-17.5% redeemable non-convertible debentures of Rs 100 each to financial and other institutions on private placement basis.
Renusagar Power Co. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, was merged with the Company with effect from the close of business on 31st March. The Company was engaged in obtaining certification for ISO 9000 and for introduction of TQM.
The Company again revalued its assets as on 1st April, and the net surplus of Rs 90623.37 lakhs arising out of this was credited to revaluation reserve.
The erstwhile Renusagar Power Co. Ltd. issued 6,50,000-18% non-convertible debentures of Rs 100 each to financial institutions on private placement basis to augment the long-term resources for working capital. Out of this, 3,00,000 debentures are redeemable at 5% premium
in equal annual instalments on 23rd June, 1998, 23rd June, 1999 and 23rd June, 2000. The remaining 3,50,000 debentures are redeemable on 23rd June, 1999.
The Company was in the process of implementing the expansion project to raise the smelter capacity by 40,000 TPA to 2,10,000 TPA.
With a view to meet the demand of over seas markets, the company proposed to instal own Ingot Casting machine. Also, alumina production capacity was enhanced to 3,50,000 TPA reducing thereby the company's dependence on external sources.
It was also proposed to undertake a further expansion of alumina production capacity to 4,50,000 TPA with the technology from Remolds International Inc. USA and Reytheon Engineering & Construction, USA.
The Company undertook to instal 9 high pressure boiler along with back pressure turbines for generation of power.
During the year, the company proposed to install two power generating units lamp a total capacity of about 150 MW at Renusagar power plant. In addition, upgradation of existing extrusion facilities, the existing hot and cold mills.
It was also proposed to install a vertical ingot casting facility and vertical billet casting facility using air ship technology required from Wagstaff Engineering Inc. USA.
The Company participated in the equity capital of Birla International Ltd., incorporated in the Isle of MAU. This was to promote exparte in India. Indo Gulf Fertilizers & Chemicals Corporation Ltd., Bihar Caustic & Chemicals Ltd., Tanfac Industries, Mangalore Refinery &
Petrochemicals Ltd., & Birla Global Finance, Ltd. are all joint venture companies.
Birla Capital International AMC Ltd., is a joint venture asset management company was promoted by Grasim Industries Ltd., Hindalco Industries Ltd., Indian Rayon & Industries Ltd. and Birla Global Finance Ltd. with the capital group International Inc., a major US based investment management organisation.
The joint venture manages mutual fund schemes for Birla Mutual Fund. Another joint venture, Rajashree Polyfil Ltd. was setting up an integrated plant with a capacity of 66,000 TPA of polycondensation and 37,900 TPA of partially oriented polyester filament yarns project.
The Company issued 25,00,000-17% secured non-convertible redeemable debentures of Rs 100 each on private placement basis. Theser are to be redeemed in three equal instalements on 11th May of 1999, 2000 and 2001 at a premium of Rs 5 per debentures.
On 22nd July, the Company issued 44,73,000 GDRs of U.S. $16.10 per GDR equivalent to Rs 505 per unit (conversion rate of U.S. $1 = Rs. 31.37). Each GDR comprises one equity share of the nominal value of Rs 10 together with one-half of a warrant which can be converted into one
equity share on exercise of two half warrant at the price of U.S. $16.10 subject to adjustment) during the period from 3rd November, 1993 to 2nd November, 1995 (both days inclusive).
These GDRs were offered to non-U.S. persons in offshore transactions in reliance on Regulations under the Securities Act of 1933, a amended, in the United States to Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) in reliance on Rule 144A under the Securities Act. There was a lock-in period of 30 days for the GDRs.
46,03,650 equity share out of 67,09,500 shares were allotted. The net proceeds of this issue, estimated to be about U.S. $69,331, 500 (before expenses) were to be utilised to part finance the Company's capital expansion programme.
The Company proposed to further expand the smelting capacity to 2,42,000 tonnes p.a. with an upgradation of all attendant plants.
It was also proposed to increase alumina capacity to 4,50,000 TPA to match the smelting capacity. Technology was being secured from Reynolds international Inc. USA and United Engineers International Inc. USA. A significant feature of the expansion is the installation of
co-generation system with a high pressure boiler and back pressure turbines for power generation.
During the year, the Company undertook to increase the power generation capacity at Renusagar power plant from 350 MW to 500 MW.
With the strategy of undertaking down stream activity with the purpose of acheiving higher realisation, the company undertook to instal an aluminium foil plant with an initial capacity of 5000 TPA.
During July, the Company issued its second GDR issue of 41,66,666 receipts at the rate of 24 $ per GDR. Each GDR was converted into one equity share and accordingly 41,66,666 equity shares were to be allotted.
Installed smelting capacity was increased to 2,10,000 MTPA with the completion of 7th Potline. The hot and cold rolling mills were being modernised. On completion rolled product capacity would be increased to 80,000 MTPA.
The company of its first international US $36 million. The warrant holders have the option to exercise these warrants by 2nd November after April, 32.4% of the warrants exercised till 31st March 1995, 4,67,900 equity shares allotted on excuse of warrants.
16,37,950 No of Equity shares allotted on conversion of GDRs. 6,000 No. of Equity shares forfeited.
One of the power generating turbine of 75 MW was commissioned during the year, taking the total capacity to 425 MW.
It was proposed to acquire additional bauxite mines in M.P.
The upgradation of existing extrusion facilities with technology from Reynolds (Europe) Ltd. was undertaken.
With a view to improving quality of feed stock for the upgraded rolling and extrusion facilities, the company undertook to instal vertical ingot casting facility and vertical billet casting facility.
Both the facilities were to use the Air Slip Technology of Wagstaff Engineering Inc., U.S.A.
Following a comprehensive technological upgradation of the Company's hot and cold rolling mills, the two mills were commissioned in March
Also, the Company's installed capacity of rolled products was increased to 80,000 tpa. In addition, the vertical ingot casting facility, a scalpter, soaking pits and slitting line were commissioned.
The Company received the special export award conferred by the Chemical & Allied Products Export Promotion Council of India for its outstanding export performance.
24,827,990 bonus shares issued in prop. 1:2.
Extrusion Press No. 3 was completed by increasing the overall extrusion capacity to 13700 MTPA. The Foil plant at Silvassa was commissioned in February 1998.
With a view to capitalising its inherent strength, the Company was exploring the feasibility of setting up an integrated Aluminium complex in Orissa.
A MOU was signed with Orissa Mining Corporation for transfer of two bauxite deposits with adequate reserves. The project was to be named `Aditya Aluminium'.
During the year the Company has signed a technical collaboration agreement with Stahlschmidt & Maiworm Gmbh of Germany for setting up an Aluminium Alloy Wheel Plant adjacent to the Foil Plant at Silvassa. This project will promote a new application in the domestic market besides presenting the export market.
Hindalco Industries, a flagship company of Aditya Birla group, on March 29 signed a MoU with the Orissa Mining Corporation (OMC) for setting up of a mega integrated aluminium complex in the state, at an estimated cost of Rs.10,000 crore.
The company also plans to set up a captive power plant of 600 mw close to the coal deposit at Ib Valley. The state-owned OMC will lease out its bauxite deposits at Kodingamali-Pottangi to Hindalco for mining.
The mega project includes setting up an alumina refinery of one million tonne per year capacity near the Kodingamali-Pottangi bauxite deposits in the Koraput district in Orissa.
Hindalco Industries, an Aditya Birla group company, commissioned its 5,000 tpa aluminium foil unit at Silvassa.
Hindalco commissioned the potline, where aluminium is smelted by an electrolytic process, on February 18. State-controlled National Aluminium Company (NALCO), currently India's biggest aluminium producer, has a smelter capacity of 2,30,000 tonnes per annum.
Hindalco on 11th Sept announced that it would acquire a 51 per cent stake in B M Khaitan owned India Foils Ltd (IFL).
Hindalco Industries Ltd is slated to commission its aluminium alloy wheel plant at Silvaasa in Gujarat in September, Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman of the company, said.
Hindalco Industries, the flagship company of the Aditya Birla group, is the country's largest integrated aluminium company.
Aditya Birla group company Hindalco Industries Ltd (Hindalco) has acquired 18,38,900 shares of public sector major National Aluminium Company Ltd (Nalco) through one of its investment subsidiaries.
The Rs 1,767-crore aluminium major, Hindalco Industries Ltd, is setting up a one lakh tonne per annum brownfield (expansion at current site) aluminium smelting project at Renukoot at an estimated cost of Rs 2,500 crore.
The board of directors has approved entering into an agreement with Alcan Aluminum Ltd of Canada, for purchase of 3,88,44,324 shares constituting 54.6 per cent of the paid-up capital of Indian Aluminum Co. Ltd. Rs. 190 per share.
Indian Aluminium Co. Ltd. became a subsidiary of the Aditya Birla flagship company Hindalco Industries Ltd., which has taken up a 74.6 per cent equity stake in Indal.
Crisil has reaffirmed the highest safety rating for the Rs. 100-crore non-convertible debenture programme of Hindalco Industries and very strong safety for its Rs. 50 crores commercial paper programme.
The Company acquired a majority ownership of 54.62% in the company from Alcan Aluminium Limited, Canada. It acquired an additional 20% stake pursuant to the open offer under the SEBI Regulations, 1997.
The Company of the Aditya Birla Group has made a strategic move to implant the legendary `prata' and allied management information services systems at all operational locations of Indian Aluminium Company Ltd.
Hindalco Industries proposes to buy 10 per cent stake in Bihar Caustic & Chemicals from Grasim Industries,
Hindalco has recently acquired from Alcan Aluminium (Alcan) around 38.84 million shares of Indian Aluminium Company, (Indal) aggregating to 74.6% holding. Indal's strength in Alumina and downstream products would ideally dovetail with Hindalco's strong presence in metal. It is
also among the world's lowest cost aluminium producers.
Hindalco has embarked on a brownfield expansion in Renukoot. It will enhance the smelter capacity by 1,00,000 TPA and the alumina refining capacity by 210,000 TPA. A matching increase in the captive power generating capacity is also on the anvil. So consequent to its
completion, aluminium smelting capacity will increase to 3,42,000 MTPA. Alumina refining capacity will be augmented to reach 6,60,000 MTPA and power generation capacity will stand raised to 769 MW. The project is being implemented at a cost of Rs. 18 billion and is slated for
completion in a phased manner, largely by end 2002-03.
The company recently entered the Rs 250-crore branded foils market under the "Hindalco Wrap" brand name. With this launch, the company wants to address a category in the FMCG sector. Launched in 54 cities across the country, Hindalco Wrap is currently available at most retail outlets in a unique dispenser pack at Rs 42 for a nine metre roll. The company also plans to enter the aluminium-based kitchen utility products market in a big way.
Hindalco, Indal marketing division integrated
Launches its new product 'Aura' aluminium wheels
Board of Directors approves buyback of shares
Mr Rajendra K. Kasliwal, Chief Financial Officer, named the winner of the CFO Asia Pricewaterhouse Coopers Achievements in Best Practices Awards for 2002 for managing external stakeholders
Receives the FICCI-Socio Economic Development Foundation's (FICCI-SEDF) Social Responsiveness Award for the year 2001, for its projects on rural development and promoting economic self-reliance in over 334 villages
Birlas increase stake in the company to 22.8% from 21.4%
Acquires 4% stake in National Aluminium Company Ltd. (Nalco)
Makes open offer to acquire 25.5% stake in Indal at Rs 120 per share
Indo Gulf's investments in group firms transferred to Hindalco Industries
Hindalco Industries Board approves sale of equity shares in Mangalore Refineries to ONGC
Hindalco discontinues scheme of buyback
Sebi stalls Hindalco's Indal open offer
Temporarily shuts down Gurdari mines
Commissions 11th potline
Acquires Nifty Copper Mine of Australia for Rs 225 crore
Copper Business of Indo Gulf Corporation Ltd merged with the company with effect from Feb 12, 2003, swap ratio fixed at 1:12 (1 share of Hindalco for 12 shares of Indo Gulf Fertilisers held)
Gives boiler contract of Rs 87 crore to Alstom Projects India Ltd.
Aditya Birla Group divests its Equity Stake in Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. (MRPL) to Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC)
Hindalco Industries Ltd executes scheme of amalgamation involving Hindalco Industries Ltd., Indo Gulf Corporation Ltd. & Indo Gulf Fertilisers Ltd.
Acquires 2.98 pc stake in Indian Rayon & Industries, enhances holding to 12.80% percent
Picks up 30-pc stake in Bihar Caustic & Chemicals Ltd., increases the stake to 50%
Hindalco increases its holding in Grasim to 3% and in Indian Rayon to 12.79%
Shareholders approve to delist equity shares from three stock exchanges (Madras, Calcutta & Delhi Stock Exchanges)
Divests its entire stake in Indo Gulf Fertilisers Ltd. (IGFL)
Appointed Mr. D Bhattacharya as Managing Director
Acquired Mount Gordon copper mine in Australia
Hindalco Industries Ltd. has informed that the Delhi Stock Exchange Association Limited, New Delhi, has informed the Company that it has delisted the Equity shares of the Company from its Stock Exchange w.e.f. December 29, 2003 pursuant to the application made by the Company to it for voluntary delisting of its Equity shares.
Hindalco Industries Ltd. has informed that the Madras Stock Exchange Limited has informed the Company that it has delisted the Equity shares of the Company from its Stock Exchange wef January 07, 2004 pursuant to the application made by the Company to it for voluntary delisting of its Equity shares.
Hindalco Industries Ltd has informed that Shri Sanjeeb Chatterjee has been appointed as Company Secretary of the Company w.e.f. February 1, 2004 with cessation of Shri Anil J Jhala as Company Secretary.
Hindalco Industries expansion for enhancing the capacity of Copper Smelter
Birla Copper acquired two mines in Australia.
Hindalco Industries signs an agreement with ST Telemedia & TM International to acquire stake in Idea Cellular
Hindalco inks MoU with Orissa Govt to set up aluminium complex
Hindalco signs agreement with UAE based Foodco
Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 10 to Re 1
Hindalco Industries Ltd Issues Rights in the Ratio of 1:4
Hindalco Industries Ltd has announced that on October 30, 2006 the Company has entered into a Joint Venture partnership with ALMEX USA, Inc., for the manufacture of High Strength Aluminium Alloys for applications in the aerospace, sporting goods and surface transport industries.
Hindalco awarded the Greentech Safety Silver Award for its outstanding safety performance during the year.
The acquisition of Novelis Inc. a world leader in aluminium rolling and can recycling, marked a significant milestone in the history of the aluminium industry in India. With Novelis under its fold, Hindalco ranks among the global top five aluminium majors, as an integrated producer with low-cost alumina and aluminium facilities combined with high-end rolling capabilities and a global footprint in 13 countries.
Hindalco awarded the CII - Sorabji Green Business Centre "National Award for Excellence in Water Management 2007"
Novelis becomes a Hindalco subsidiary with the completion of the acquisition process. The transaction makes Hindalco the world's largest aluminum rolling company and one of the biggest producers of primary aluminum in Asia, as well as being India's leading copper producer.
The company has issued rights in the ratio of 3:7at a premium of Rs.95/- Per Share.
Hindalco Industries, Aditya Birla group flagship firm, has decided to cut its overseas operations and is restructuring its capital expenditure in India in an effort to stabilise operations. As part of this overall plan, Novelis, which Hindalco acquired for $6 billion in 2007, is closing its sheet mill at Rogerstone in the UK, involving 440 job losses.
Hindalco ranked ninth across industries on Forbes Asia's Fab 50 companies list of Asia's 50 most valued companies.
Hindalco and Birla White declared winners in the Golden Peacock Awards for Corporate Social Responsibility 2010 by an eminent international jury, headed by Justice P.M. Bhagwati, the erstwhile Chief Justice of India.
Hindalco wins Amity International Business SchoolÂs, ÂAmity Corporate Excellence Award for Corporate Social Responsibility.Â
Hindalco has entered into an agreement with Coal India Ltd (CIL) for securing mine-specific coal supplies to the Renukoot facility of Hindalco at 10 % premium over the agreed price.
Hindalco Industries Ltd has announced that its subsidiary - Utkal Alumina International Ltd. (UAIL) has tied up a debt of Rs. 4,906 crore from a group of banks.
Hindalco Industries Ltd, Utkal Alumina International Ltd. (UAIL), 100% subsidiary of Hindalco, is setting up a 1.5 mtpa alumina refinery in Rayagada district of Orissa. The project will feed the alumina requirements of the Mahan and the Aditya smelters presently under construction.
Hindalco - Novelis Inc. Announces Pricing of $2.5 Billion Senior Unsecured Notes.
The Company is setting up a Greenfield Aluminium Smelter Project in Madhya Pradesh (Mahan Project) with a capacity of 359,000 TPA of aluminium supported by 900 MW captive power plant at a cost (including financing cost) of Rs. 10,500 Crs.
An Imminent name in aluminium production in India, Hindalco Industries has recently got Government approval for cutting down the forest of Orrisa, Rayagada district. The proposed reason for acquiring this green clearance is an alumina refinery project to be set up in Rayagada that would involve an investment up to Rs. 6,000 crore.
Hindalco Industries, an integral part of the Aditya Birla Group announced it is expecting to commence its 1.5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) alumina refinery by January 2013, located in Orissa.
Moving against the trend of avoiding any capex plan by companies amid global economic slowdown, Hindalco Industries has achieved financial closure for Rs 9,896 crore debt for its greenfield smelter project at Lapanga in Odisha in one of the largest syndication in recent times.
Hindalco Industries Ltd. - Acquisition of Alumina Refinery and Bauxite Mines from Novelis Do..
Hirakud  Greentech CSR Silver Award 2014 for its initiatives in Sustainable Livelihood in and around the unit location.
Hirakud Smelter  CII Easter Region Quality Award 2014-15 (Certificate of Appreciation) in the large-scale category.
Hindalco awarded the Top Exporter Gold Trophy in the category of large enterprise for outstanding performance in financial year 2013-14, awarded by EEPC.
National Gold Award for Manufacturing Competitiveness (NAMC) 2016 for its world-class manufacturing process and efficient working methodologies.
Gold Award in Metals Sector, Mega Large Business category at Frost & SullivanÂs India Manufacturing Excellence Awards 2018.
CSR Times Award 2018" for Sustainable Livelihood project.
Hindalco Industries launches Kosa Silk Reeling Training Centre to empower tribal communities in Gare Palma.
Hindalco launches 100% recyclable packaging material Aluminium-foil-laminated jute bags to replace single use plastic at Tirupati temple.
Hindalco Industries launches IndiaÂs first All-Aluminium Freight Trailer.
India CSR Award in the women empowerment category.
Recognised as ÂExcellent Energy Efficient Unit at National Award for Excellence in Energy Management hosted by CII.
Hindalco wins 'Sustainable Corporate of the Year Award - 1st Runner up' by Frost & Sullivan and TERI Sustainability 4.0 Awards 2021.
Hindalco wins Warehouse and Logistics Excellence Award 2021 in manufacturing category from Quantic.
Hindalco acquires HydroÂs Aluminium Extrusions Business in Andhra Pradesh.
Hindalco signs MoU with Phinergy and IOC Phinergy.
Hindalco, Texmaco enter into a strategic alliance to make aluminium rail wagons and coaches.
Hindalco brings in Italian company Metra to manufacture high-precision extruded products for high-speed aluminium rail coaches in India.
Odisha Mining Corporation and Hindalco Industries Limited ink MoU, Paving the Way for Industrial Growth in Odisha.