James Warren Tea Ltd
James Warren Tea Ltd Company History
James Warren Tea is engaged in cultivation, manufacture and sale of tea, which is a seasonal industry.
The Company has changed its name from Dashabhooja Mercantile & Tourism Pvt. Ltd to James Warren Tea Ltd.
The Company was incorporated on November 9, 2009 in Assam as a private limited company in the name and style of Dashabhooja Mercantile & Tourism Private Limited under the Companies Act, 1956 as amended with the Registrar of Companies, Assam, Tripura, Manipur, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram. Further the name of the Company was changed from Dashabhooja Mercantile & Tourism Private Limited to James Warren Tea Private Limited on September 10, 2012. With effect from June 19, 2013, our Company became a public limited company and the name of the Company was changed to James Warren Tea Limited. For further details in relation to the changes in the name and
registered office of our Company, see the section titled History and Certain Corporate Matter of this Information Memorandum.
Company has received the listing and trading approval from the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) and Calcutta Stock Exchange of India Limited (CSE) with effect from 25.07.2014.
The Company has approved the proposal of Buyback of fully paid Equity shares of the Company at the Price of Rs. 115/- (Rupees One hundred fifteen only) per equity share.