Jyoti Structures Ltd
Jyoti Structures Ltd Company History
Jyoti Structures is engaged in manufacturing of transmission line towers, sub-station structures, tall antenna towers / masts and railway electrification structures. In addition, JSL is also a leading player in Turnkey / EPC projects involving survey, foundation, designing, fabrication, erection and stringing activities of extra high voltage transmission lines and procurement of major bought out items, supply of lattice and pipe type structures, civil works, erection, testing and commissioning of switchyard / substations and distribution networks, both in India and overseas.
Awarded prestigious export order for the value of 28.75 million USD (Approximately Rs 1310 million ) by Tunisian State Electricity & Gas Utility STEG for supply, erection and commissioning of high voltage overhead transmission lines in North Africa.
The share holders have approved to delist equity shares of the company in Ahmedabad & Delhi Stock Exchanges.
Company allotmented 16,43,000 equity shares on private placement basis.
ICICI Bank has nominated Shri. Anand Gore, Asst. General Manager as Nominee Director on the Board of the Company.
Jyoti Structures awarded an order for Rs. 848 million by Powerlink Transmission Ltd.
Jyoti Structures has secured Rs.183 mn turnkey construction order from Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd (HVPNL.)
Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 10 to Rs 2
Jyoti Structures has re-appointed Mr. K R Thakur as Managing Director of the Company for a further period of 3 years w.e.f. April 01, 2007.
Jyoti Structures Ltd has appointed Mr. Prakash K Thakur and Mr. Santosh Nayak as Additional Directors and subject to approval of shareholders in the Annual General Meeting have designated them as Whole-time Directors with immediate effect.
Jyoti Structures Ltd has informed that consortium of Areva T & D and Jyoti Structures has recently signed a long term agreement with Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd (MSETCL) for the trunkey design and construction of 220KV and 132KV substation and associated lines.
Jyoti Structures Ltd has appointed Mr. Rameshchandra Rawal as an Additional Director of the Company with immediate effect.
Jyoti Structures Ltd Received ÂExcellent Health and Safety Award from ESKOM, a power utility of South Africa for achieving 3.5 million man-hours worked without having a lost time injury.
Jyoti Structures Ltd Received an award from ESKOM for 500,000 incident free man hours worked on 765kV project.
Started Manufacturing Operation in Texas,USA
Jyoti Struct - Awarded contract valued at Rs. 524 Crore.
Jyoti Structures has collaborated with Lauren Engineers and Construction Ltd. by acquiring 50% equity stake in the company.
Jyoti Structures Ltd Issues Rights in the Ratio of 1:8
Jyoti structures said it has received various orders worth Rs 254 crore from Uganda.
Jyoti Structures Limited, a turnkey EPC contractor in power sector, that it has bagged domestic and export orders worth Rs 1,491 crore including 400 kV transmission lines in India as well as Kenya on turnkey basis.
The Company has has decided to recommend Dividend for the year ended March 31, 2013 Equity Share - Re. 0.80/- (previous year Rs. 1.10) per Equity Share of Rs. 2 each
Jyoti Structures secures export orders worth Rs 1200 cr
The Company has bagged a contract of USD 14 million from ESKOM, a South African electric utility.
The Company has secured an order worth USD 40.82 million from TRANSCO CLSG for Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 225 kV Mano - Kanema - Bikongor transmission line.
Jyoti Structures Ltd has received a LoA from Apraava Energy Private Limited for turnkey supply and construction of 400 KV Double Circuit transmission line in Rajasthan.