Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd
Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd Company History
Kansai Nerolac Paints is principally engaged in the manufacturing of Paints.
The Company was incorporated.On its incorporation, the Company acquired and took over as a going concern the business of A.T. Mirza, carried on under the name and style of American paint and Varnish Company.
The company manufactures and sell paints and enamels, varnishes, oils, pigments, colours, alkyds and resins, waterproof coatings and components and its products are marketed under the trade marks and names, viz., `Nerolac', Glossolite', 'Palm Tree', "Solidier' and `Dorolite'.
The Company was the first in India to manufacture phthalocyanine pigments on a commercial scale.
In April, Lead Industries Ltd., who were having considerable paint manufacturing interests in U.K., acquired the entire share capital of the company.
All shares held by Goodlass Wall & Load Industries, Ltd. U.K. 4,010 shares issued as Bonus shares.
54,000 Bonus shares issued in prop. 3:1.
Converted into a public limited company. 6 shares issued to directors. 17,994 shares offered at par to the public in June.
36,000 Bonus shares issued in prop. 2:5.
90,000 Bonus shares issued in prop. 5:7.
10,80,000 Rights Equity shares issued in prop. 1:2.
The Company issued 50,000 - 15% secured redeemable non-convertible debentures of Rs 100 each. Out of this, 5,000 debentures were privately placed with Army Group Insurance Fund and Kasturba Health Society. The remaining 40,000 debentures were privately placed with
Unit Trust of India.
The Company proposed to issue 2682113 Rights equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 90 per share in proportion 1:4. It was also proposed to issue through a prospectus shares to the tune of 1.5 crores.
Saurashtra Paints Ltd., with a paid-up capital of Rs 50,00,000 and GNP (Chennai) Ltd., with a paid-up capital of Rs 50,00,000 are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company.
It entered into technical collaboration agreement with Kansai Paint Co. Ltd., Japan for import of know-how for the manufacture of Cationic Electrode positors powder.
The Company made an application to Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation seeking allotment of land confirming to chemical zone to shift a part of the capacities of the Lower Parel factory.
The Company entered into technical assistance agreements with Kansai Paint Co. Ltd., Japan and with Nihon Tokushu Toryo Co. Ltd., Japan for the manufacture of sophisticated coatings.
The Company received approval from the Government of India for establishment of capacity of 15,000 TPA and also for shifting of a portion of capacity from Lower Parel to Lote Parshuram, a notified backward area in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra.
Authorised capital increased. During April/May 32,40,000 Rights shares allotted at a premium of Rs 20 per share in the ratio 1:1. 4,86,000 shares allotted to retain oversubscription, 1,62,000 shares allotted to employees and additional 24,300 shares allotted to retain oversubscription.
The unit at Kanpur, set up with a licensed capacity of 15,000 TPA of paints, enamels and varnishes commenced commercial production.
35,76,150 bonus equity shares issued in proportion 1:2.
The Company entered into a technical assistance agreement with E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. Inc. U.S.A. for the manufacture of sophisticated coatings for automotive sector. Also entered into another agreement with Kansai Paint Co. Ltd., Japan for manufacture of
sophisticated architectural coatings.
10,00,000 No. of Equity shares (Prem. Rs 240 per share) issued on a private placement basis. 35,76,150 Right equity shares (Prem. Rs 60 per share) issued in prop. 1:3.
The Company has also entered into another Agreement with Kansai Paint Co. Ltd., Japan, for manufacture of sophisticated architectural coatings.
Mr. H. Iwamoto has been appointed as an Additional Director of the Company with effect from 6th June.
Mr. M. Kume has been appointed as a Director of the Company with effect from 22nd July, in the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. T. Shiraiwa.
The Company has Technical Assistance Agreements with E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Inc., USA for the manufacture of sophisticated coatings for automotive sector and with Kansai Paint Company Ltd., Japan, for manufacture of sophisticated architectural coatings.
The Company has also entered into a Technical Assistance Agreement with Oshima Kogyo Company Ltd., Japan, for manufacture of heat resistant coatings.
43,500 No. of Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each are allotted as fully paid-up pursuant to contracts without payments being received in cash.
54,16,250 No. of Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each are allotted as fully paid-up by way of Bonus Shares by capitalisation of Share Premium, Profits and Reserves.
Goodlass Nerolac, a subsidiary of Kansai Limited, has launched a new plastic exterior paint - 'Nerolac Suraksha'.
Kansai Paint Co. Ltd., Japan, the Company's foreign collaborator and one of the Promoters of the Company, acquired 43,71,152 shares amounting to 28.56% of the paid-up Share Capital of the Company from Forbes Gokak Ltd. and their associates, the other Promoter of the Company, at a price of Rs. 250 per share.
Mr. S.M. Datta has been appointed as an Additional Director of the Company on 17th May.
Launches a ' magic eye' a spectrophometer.
Board approves the following:
1) Scheme of Amalgamation of GNP (Madras) Ltd., Perungudi, Tamil Nadu and Saurashtra Paints Ltd., Vatva, Ahmedabad, Company's wholly owned subsidiaries with the Company. The scheme of amalgamation is subject to the approval of the Shareholders, concerned Hon'ble High Courts and completion of other statutory formalities.
2) The enhancement of capacity at the company's factory at Jainpur, Kanpur Dehat, U.P. subject to statutory clearance. The cost involved for capacity enhancement is estimated at about Rs.90 million.
Launches 'Har Din Diwali offer' through which consumers were be able to win 22-carat gold coins, the bumper prize being Mahindra & Mahindra's SUV, Scorpio
Goodlass Nerolac constitutes Creative Analyst Team (CAT) for people Management.
The company is taking its corporate logo, Goody the tiger, and branding it exclusively for rural markets.
Goodlass Nerolac Paints launches Nerolac Plastic Emulsion, an economy acrylic emulsion for interior decor
Company has changed its name from Goodlass Nerolac Paints Ltd. to Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd.
Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd has appointed Mr. Pradip P Shah as an Independent Director on the Board of Directors of the Company.
Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd has appointed Mr. Noel N Tata as an Independent Director on the Board of Directors of the Company with immediate effect.
Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd has informed that the Company has won the ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance, 2007, instituted by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. The award was presented to the Company in Kolkata on November 26, 2007.
Mr. Y. Kawamori, a Nominee of Kansai Paint Co. Ltd., Japan (KPJ) on the Board of our Company and appointed Mr. Y. Takahashi on the Board as a Nominee of KPJ. Mr. Takahashi has been appointed as an Additional Director".
Kansai Nerolac - Company's Production facility at Hosur.
Kansai Nerolac appoints "Shahrukh Khan" as new brand ambassador.
Kansai Nerolac Paints has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 1:1
Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd has divested its 49% stake in Nipa Chemicals Ltd., an unlisted Indian Company, for an amount of Rs. 25.72 crores.
The Board have recommended a dividend of 110%.
Kansai Nerolac to buy majority stake in Nepalese paint company, stock spurts over 5%.
Nerolac Paints plans new manufacturing unit with Rs 300 cr investment.
Kansai Nero - Kansai Nerolac to enter JV with Nepal Shalimar, to acquire 68% stake in Nepalese paint major.
The Board have recommended a dividend of 110%
KNPL Bawal won the silver category Greentech Environment Award 2013 for outstanding achievement in Environment Management from Greentech Foundation
The Board have recommended a dividend of 110%
Kansai Nerolac Paint - Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd. to enter Sri Lankan market
Kansai Nerolac has decided to set up a manufacturing unit in Gujarat at an estimated cost of Rs 350 crore
Kansai Nerolac Paints has splits its face value from Rs. 10 to Rs. 1
Kansai Nerolac Paints receive Most Innovative Product of the Year Award-Nerolac Impressions HD
''Commencement of commercial Production for sale at the new manufacturing unit of the Company at Sayakha Industrial Estate in Gujarat.''.
Kansai Nerolac Paints featured in 40 most valuable Indian brands of 2019.
Product Launch of the Year - Nerolac Excel Topguard.
Nerolac won silver trophy for ÂNerolac Pragati Express campaign in the ÂExcellence in CSR- Social Impact awards category.
The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:2.
The company has approved the acquisition of shares (40% of the total shareholding) of Nerofix from Polygel for a cash consideration of Rs 37 crore.