Loyal Equipments Ltd
Loyal Equipments Ltd Company History
Loyal Equipments is engaged in the business of manufacturing of Industrial & Engineering Equipments.
Incorporation of the Company
Commencement of Production activities
Certificate of Import Export Code
2008 August
Enlistment with Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Co. Limited for supply of Pressure Vessels.
2010 June
Enlistment with Projects & Development India Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking) for Supply of Pressure Vessels
Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001:2008 for design, manufacture and supply of pressure vessels and heat exchangers and manufacture and supply of heavy structure work.
Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001:2008 for design, manufacture and supply of pressure vessels and heat exchangers and manufacture and supply of heavy structure work for NABCB Certificate
Member of Heat Transfer Research, Inc. the worldÂs premier source of technology, information, services and softwares in the field of process heat transfer.
2013 July
Enlistment with Engineers India Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking) for Pressure Vessels
Certificate of Authorization from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for manufacturing of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code under U Stamp
Certificate of Authorization from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for manufacturing of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code under U2 Stamp
Certificate of Authorization from The National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors for NB mark
Enlistment with Engineers India Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking) for Heat Exchangers
Enlistment Certificate with The National Small Industries Corporation Limited (A Government of India Enterprise)
Enlistment with Gujarat State Petronet Limited for Supply of Pressure Vessels
Registered office has been shifted from 6, Chitrakoot Bunglows, Nr. Surdhara Society, Dahegam Road, Naroda, Ahmedabad-382330, Gujarat to Block No. 35/1-2-3-4, Village Zak, Dahegam, Gujarat-382330
Conversion of the Company from Private Limited to Public Limited Company
Loyal Equipments participated in "PETROTECH-2016" International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition at Pragati Maiden New Delhi from 5th to 7th Dec 2016.
Loyal Equipments awarded By Burckhardt Compression for supply of pressure vessel under CEPED requirements for AL Rozenberg Project Netherland.
Loyal Equipments awarded By ONGC for supply of Air cooled heat exchanger for ONGC Mehsana project.
Loyal Equipments awarded By Reliance Industry for supply of heat exchanger for Reliance Jamnagar refinery project.
The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:2.
Loyal Equipments Limited has received Purchase Order from Linde Engineering India Private Limited of worth Rs. 270.00 Lakhs.
Loyal Equipments has received a purchase order from Burckhardt Compression (India) worth Rs 1.28 crore.
Loyal Equipments Limited said has bagged an order worth Rs 81 lakhs from Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Limited.
Loyal Equipments limited has received purchase order from simon India Ltd. of worth Rs. 345.00 Lakhs for supply of shell & tube heat exchangers.