Marg Techno-Projects Ltd
28 March 2025 00:44|BSE : 540254|NSE : None|ISIN : INE245H01018
28 March 2025 00:44|BSE : 540254
NSE : None|ISIN : INE245H01018
Marg Techno Projects to carry on in India or elsewhere in the world the business to perform and undertake activities pertaining to finance, advance, assist, provide, extend, lend money with or without guarantee, with or without security by way to term loan, medium term loan, short term loan, deferred payment guarantee, lease finance, venture finance and by any other mode or scheme to industrial units, trading business, industry co-op. societies, industrial co-op. Banks, sugar co-op. Societies, federation, mill producer, educational institutes, Universities, computer center, health center, hospitals etc. and other establishments, local body, municipal corporation, company and to any person/s.
Marg Techno Projects to carry on in India or elsewhere in the world the business to perform and undertake activities pertaining to finance, advance, assist, provide, extend, lend money with or without guarantee, with or without security by way to term loan, medium term loan, short term loan, deferred payment guarantee, lease finance, venture finance and by any other mode or scheme to industrial units, trading business, industry co-op. societies, industrial co-op. Banks, sugar co-op. Societies, federation, mill producer, educational institutes, Universities, computer center, health center, hospitals etc. and other establishments, local body, municipal corporation, company and to any person/s.
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