MRO-TEK Realty Ltd
MRO-TEK Realty Ltd Company History
MRO-TEK Realty is Company traditionally in the business of OEM for data communication and networking products for Telecommunication, Data & Network applications and Railway S&T applications.
The board has allotted 44,80,282 shares of face value Rs 10 each in the ratio of 1:1 based on the Authority granted by the shareholders of the company on 14th January .
The Company proposes to expand its current manufacturing capaicty and to put up additional facilities in Electronics City at Bangalore.
The Company has been ranked as 6th largest among the Networking Vendors in India.
The Company is entering the capital market with a public issue of 25,09,000 No. of equity shares of face value of Rs 5 each and offer for sale by existing members of 26,00,000 No. of equity shares of face value of Rs 5 each.
MRO-Tek, the Bangalore-based Internet access and networking solution provider, has received the `Best Partner of the World' award from the Israel-based RAD Data Communications for achieving sales over $15 million for the calendar year 2000.
The Company has entered into a strategic alliance with Lacom Systems, developers of the laser optical communication system.
MRO-TEK, the Bangalore-based networking and last-mile access solution provider, has announced the opening of its third state-of-the-art manufacturing facility at Electronic City.
The company secured State Bank of India's order of Rs 15-crore to provide networking solutions of 2Mbps and 64 Kbps high-end leased line modems for SBI to connect more than 800 branches across the country.
The company developed a new product, netwrk management msystem NMS software . It monitors and manages remotely, the network devices and equipment in last mile network access.
Launched the first product developed by the R&D Section of the Company, named 'Managed Copper-Fibre Convertor' is being launched for commercialization
MRO-TEK, last mile access and network solution provider, on September 30 launched FCAT-M, an Ethernet over fibre access device, claiming that it would contribute 20 to 25 per cent to the company's growth. T
The company altered its Brand Line from the existing 'Getting you Networked' to 'Accessing Every Network' to go with its present thrust on developing market for 'Access Products' and its core activity to which the new phrase is more desirable and apt.
Dlist from Bangalore Stock Exchange w.e.f. October 16, 2004.
MRO-TEK launches eSona-100 bandwidth tool on November 17, 2004
MRO-TEK receives approval from GOI for in-house R&D facility
MRO-Tek unveils solution for TPBC
MRO-TEK secures two new major contracts totaling over Rs 100 million.
The company has recommended a final dividend of 20%
Mro-Tek has designated E-mail ID for Investor Complaints:
[email protected]
break-through has been achieved, for one of the products developed by this Company in its in-house R&D facility, and recently commercialized, by way of a confirmed PO valued at Rs 3 cr approx, received from one of the large and reputed Services Providers of the Country.
The company has recommended dividend of 40%, puls interim dividend of 20%, totally 60% dividend
MRO-TEK introduces new range of products aimed at telecom carriers, internet service providers and enterprises.
Patent for MRO-TEK's broadband device
MRO-TEK celebrates silver jubilee
Mr. Srivatsa, the Vice President- Finance of the Company who has also been appointed as the Chief Financial Officer of the Company.
The name of the Company has been changed from "MRO-TEK Limited" to "MRO-TEK Realty Limited".
Registered Office of the Company has been shifted to the following new premises, MRO-TEK Realty Limited,"Maruthi Complex",No. 6, New Bel Road,Chikkamaranahalli,Bangalore - 560 094.