National Standard (India) Ltd
National Standard (India) Ltd Company History
National Standard India is presently engaged in business of Real Estate Development.
Company name has been changed from National Standard Duncan Ltd to National Standard (India) Ltd.
Registered Office of the Company has been shifted To Room No#6, 4th Floor, Commerce House, 2A Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkatta, 700 013, West Bengal.
National Standard (India) shifted the registered office of the Company from 216, Shah & Nahar Industrial Estate, Dr. E. S. Mosses Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400018 to 412, Floor - 4, 17G, Vardhaman Chamber, Cawasji Patel Road, Horniman Circle, Fort. Mumbai - 400001.
The has said that, inter alia:
a)Taken on record, the aforementioned Delisting Proposal received from the Acquirer;
b)Appointed Fedex Securities Limited, as Category 1 Merchant Banker in accordance with Regulation 8(1A)(ii) to issue Due Diligence certificate in accordance with Regulation 8(1E) of the Delisting Regulations;
c)In accordance with regulation 8(1A)(iii) of the Delisting Regulations, there was no trading in shares of the Company for a period of two years prior to the date of the Board meeting;
d)To determine the floor price in accordance with regulation 8 of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulation, 2011;
Please take the above on record and acknowledge the receipt of the same.