NMDC Ltd Company History
NMDC, a Navratna Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Steel, Government of India is the single largest producer of iron ore in India. It owns and operates highly mechanized iron ore mines in Chhattisgarh and Karnataka and has its registered offi
he Bailadila Iron Ore Project Deposit 5, 10 and 11A of our Company, certified, by Indian Register Quality Systems, to conform to the Quality Management System Standard: ISO 9001:2000 for "mining, processing and supply of iron ore". The certificate was valid until November 17,
In order to renew the above certificate, a re-certification audit has been conducted by the auditors of Indian Register Quality Systems from November 14, 2009 until November 16, 2009. Our Company is seeking a fresh ISO 9001: 2000 Certificate of Approval.
Our Company is in the process of acquiring an Operational Health and Safety Standard ("OHSAS") 18001: 2007 certification from Indian Register Quality Systems for all activities related to "mining and processing of iron ore"for the Bailadila Iron Ore Mine of our Company situated at Kirandul.
In order to receive the above certificate, a BS 18001: 2007 certification audit has been conducted by the auditors of Indian Register Quality Systems from November 2, 2009 until November 4, 2009. Our Company is seeking the OHSAS 18001:2007 certification.
2008 Accredited as the - Centre of Excellence - in the field of mineral processing by the Expert Group of United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO).
Equity Shares of our Company were split from Rs. 10 per share to Re. 1 per share.
Declared a bonus in the ratio of 2:1 wherein our shareholders were allotted two bonus shares for every one share held in our Company.
Entered into a memorandum of understanding with Spice Metals and Minerals for the formation of a strategic partnership for planning, acquisition, development and management of metal and mineral projects outside India.
Incorporated a joint venture ÂNMDC-CMDC Limited with Chhattisgarh Mineral Development
Corporation Limited to develop Bailadila iron ore Deposit No. 13.
2008Conferred the Navratna status by Department of Public Enterprise, Government of India which enabled the Board of our Company to exercise certain enhanced capital expenditure powers withoutreference to Government of India.
Ventured into new area - Wind Energy. Seven units of Wind Electricity Generators having a capacityof 1.5 MW each have been commissioned.
Conferred the 'Navratna' status which enabled the board of our Company to inter alia exercise certain capital expenditure powers without reference to the Government of India wherein the ceiling on equity investment to establish financial joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries in India or abroad shall be 15% of the networth of the public sector enterprise in one project limited to Rs. 10,000,000,000 subject to the overall ceiling of 30% of the networth of the public sector enterprise on such investment in all projects put together.
Achieved the first rank among the financial ranking of central public sector enterprises as per the survey carried out by Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises for the year 2007-08 on the basis of overall performance on financial and other parameters.
Awarded the Rajbhasha shield - 1st prize for the year 2007-08 of the Town Official Language
Implementation Committee (undertakings) Hyderabad, Secunderabad, for excellent plementation of the official language policy amongst the public sector undertakings situated in twin cities.
Company has changed its name from National Mineral Dev.corp.Ltd. to NMDC Ltd.
Recorded a turnover of Rs.75,640 million, profit after tax of Rs. 43,720 million and paid dividend of 221% to the shareholders of our Company.
Re-opened its diamond mine at Panna after a gap of 4 years after the Supreme Court allowed the mine to operate.
Entered into a memorandum of understanding with Steel Authority of India Limited for the development of the Arki Limestone deposit for the supply of low silica high grade limestone primarily to the steel plants of our Company and Steel Authority of India Limited.
Entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Mines & Geology, Government of Jharkhand for carrying out geological exploration in Jharkhand for various minerals like iron ore, lime stone, bauxi.
Received the first prize of the Government of India's Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield for implementation of the official language policy and progressive use of Hindi amongst the public sector undertakings of region 'C' for the year 2006-2007.
Awarded the Steel Ministry's Rajbhasha shield for excellent implementation of the official language policy and progressive use of Hindi amongst the public sector undertakings of region 'C' for the year 2007-2008.
Accredited the CAPEXIL Award and Certificate for Top Exporter for the year 2008-09.
Accredited as one of the 'Fastest Wealth Creator' for the years 2004-2009 pursuant to the 14th Annual Wealth Creation Study by Motilal Oswal Securities Limited dated December 17, 2009.
The Bailadila Iron Ore Mine certified, by the Indian Register Quality Systems, to conform to Operational Health and Safety Standard (OHSAS) 18001:2007 for all activities related to - "mining, processing and supply of iron ore". This certificate is valid until December 23, 2012.
The Donimalai Iron Ore Mine certified, by Det Norske Veritas to conform to Operational Health and Safety Standard ("OHSAS") 18001: 2007 certification for "mining and processing of iron ore". The certificate is valid until December 17, 2012.
The Donimalai Iron Ore Mine certified, by Indian Register Quality Systems, to conform to the Quality Management System Standard: ISO 9001:2000 for "mining, processing and supply of iron ore". The certificate is valid until February 19, 2011.
Entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Mines & Geology, Government of Andhra Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation for the exploration and exploitation of iron ore and gold in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
State-run NMDC Ltd has inked a shareholders' agreement with Kopano Logistics Services to form a joint venture company for exploration and development of mines in South Africa.
NMDC gets green nod for Himachal limestone project
NMDC as signed a Contract Agreement with consortium comprising Siemens VAI, Austria, SVAI India and NCC Ltd., for turnkey execution of a Sinter Plant.
Nmdc has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Legacy Iron Ore Limited (Legacy), Australia to acquire 50% of the Company (Legacy) enabling NMDC's entry in the Australian resource sector.
NMDC signs contact agreement for the Country's Largest Blast Furnace.
NMDC Signs MoU with Minemakers Limited, Australia
NMDC signs Rs 509 cr contract with SEPC
The Company has incorporated a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Company by the name of NMDC Power Ltd.
NMDC acquires 50% equity stake in Legacy Iron Ore Limited, Australia
NMDC Signs Contract Agreement for Steel Melting Shop Package
NMDC has incorporated a Joint Venture Company between NMDC and Jharkhand State Mineral Development Corporation Limited (JSMDC) by the name of Jharkhand National Mineral Development Corporation Limited (JNMDC)
NMDC is honoured with "Steelies - 2013 - Award for excellence in Project Management"
NMDC Limited, Hyderabad has been conferred with "HR Leadership Award" at the Asia Pacific HRM Congress Awards 2013
NMDC signs Memorandum of Understanding for Mineral Projects in Zimbabwe
NMDC inks agreement with Zimbabwe-based co for mineral projects in Africa
NMDC received "Most Valuable Company Award" in the Navaratna Category of India Today PSU Awards - 2014
NMDC was awarded the "BT-Star PSU of the year Award for Outstanding Performance - among Maharatna and Navratna PSUs"
NMDC Contributes Rs. 25 lakhs for the Cause of Hudhud
NMDC acquiring 3,000 acres for Bellary steel plant
NMDC Ltd has incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary company by the name "NMDC Steel Ltd" for the purpose of transferring Iron & Steel Plant (NISP) into the newly formed subsidiary company
NMDC Ltd has signed Contract Agreements on Water Packages for its upcoming Steel Plant
NMDC recognized for its CSR Activities and Environment Management
NMDC Ltd has signed MOU with Govt. of India
NMDC has commissioned Bailadila iron ore deposit 11B in Dakshin Bastar district of Chhattisgarh with an investment of Rs 600 crore
NMDC Ltd has signed three different MoUs at Dantewada Chattisgarh
NMDC Ltd has bags the prestigious PLATTS Global Metals Award 2015
NMDC Ltd has been awarded the India Pride Award -2015 in the metal and minerals and trade (including mining) category
NMDC Ltd has incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary company Jharkhand Kolhan Steel Ltd.
NMDC has been awarded Ispat Rajbhasha Shield (First Prize) amongst PSUs of Ministry of Steel for implementation of Rajbhasha for the Year 2015-16.
NMDC was awarded the "Most Efficient PSU" Award
NMDC wins Governance Now PSU Award 2016 for strategic performance.
Three mines of NMDC have received 5 Star Rating".
NMDC Ltd. wins the Golden Peacock Corporate Ethics Award 2017.
NMDC signed MoUs for Research Co-operation Agreements with IMMT and IIT, Bhubaneswar
NMDC wins Dun & Bradstreet PSU Awards 2017.
NMDC receives SKOCH award (2017) in Cyber Security Category.
NMDC receives SCOPE Award at the International HR Summit - 2017.
Government has successfully divested 2.52 per cent of paid-up capital in National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) for an amount of Rs 1200 crore approx. (Rs. 980.05 crore from non-retail investors and Rs. 232 crore approx. from retail investors) through Offer for sale (OFS) mechanism.
NMDC, NLC to ink MoU with Aussie firm ECT for R&D project
NMDC gets Mines Bureau approval for increasing production at Kumaraswamy mines
NMDC board approves up to Rs 1,378-cr buyback plan
Petronas awards dual FEED contracts for world\'s largest offshore CCS project
NMDC signs MoU with IndiaÂs DCI to expand in GCC and Africa
NMDC brings home 7 PRSI National Awards.
NMDC signs MoU with RailTel for ICT and Digital Solutions.
NMDC organises Plantation at Landscape Garden and adopts two tigers as part of Swachhta 2.0.
NMDC and FICCI organise International Conference on Indian Minerals and Metal Industry Roadmap for Vision 2047 detailed out on Day One.