Rolta India Ltd
Rolta India Ltd Company History
Rolta India is engaged in the business of Enterprise Geospatial, Defence, Data Analytics and connected Solutions.
The Company was incorporated on 27th, June, at Mumbai, and obtained the Certificate of Commencement of Business on 5th July. Rolta India Limited (ROLTA) has been promoted by Shri K.K. Singh a technocrat and businessman who has over two decades of experience in business. The Company is engaged in Distribution of CAD/CAM systems, manufacture of
engineering workstations and net work servers, and export of software package.
The company's activities include software exports to USA, Europe and Australia, hardware maintenance and software support to large installed base of intergraph systems in India and data processing centre specialising in inter branch reconciliation operations of banks.
The existing group of companies viz. Rolta Computer & Industries Pvt. Ltd., Rolta Leasing & Holdings Ltd., Rolta Investments Ltd. and Rolta Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. were amalgamated with Rolta India Limited on 26th October.
The Company entered into an agreement with Intergraph Corporation, USA, for the supply of technology for the manufacture of engineering work stations and net work servers.
The Company undertook a project to manufacture engineering workstations and net work servers at TTC industrial area in New Mumbai.
The Company set up a network of sales/marketing and support offices at 23 different locations in India. A full-fledged marketing office was also opened in Washington D.C., USA.
The Company also launched a local vendor development programme to work with the local suppliers to help improve quality, productivity, tooling methods and product flexibility as necessary.
The Rolta Group companies, namely, Rolta Investments Pvt. Ltd., Rolta Leasings and Holdings Ltd., Rolta Computers and Industries, Pvt. Ltd.,and Rolta Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., were merged with the Company with effect from 1st August.
The Company issued for every one equity share of each of the erstwhile four companies, 2 equity shares to RIPL, 2 equity share to RLHL, 30 equity shares to RCIL and 1 equity shares to RCSPL.Accordingly 1,55,37,662 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each were allotted as fully paid-up without payment in cash to the shareholders of RIPL, RLHL, RCIL and RCSPL.
Two new entry-level workstations, namely Rolta Station 386/486, were added to the existing range of products.
The Company issued 15,00,000-14% secured fully convertible debentures of Rs 100 each for cash of which 4,50,000 debentures were reserved for preferential allotment as follows:
(i) 1,50,000 debentures to Mutual Funds;
(ii) 75,000 debentures to employees of the Company, and
(iii) 2,25,000 debentures to NRIs with repatriation rights. The remaining 10,50,000 debentures were offered for public subscription. Additional 2,25,000 debentures allotted to retain oversubscription (11,550 debentures to NRIs, 425 debentures to employees and 2,13,025
debentures to public).
As per the term of issue, part-A of Rs 60 of each debenture was converted into six equity shares of Rs 10 each at par on the date of allotment of debentures, i.e., 22nd October.
Part-B of Rs 40 of each debenture will be converted into equity shares at a price to be deermined by CCI on the expiry of 30 months from the date of allotment of debentures. Accordingly 27,74,950 No. of equity shares allotted on conversion of debentures at a premium of Rs 30 per share.
During August, the Company offered out of their holding for sale 57,50,000 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each for cash at par as follows:
(i) 2,87,500 shares to employees/workers of the Company;
(ii) 7,50,000 shares to NRIs on repatriation basis; and
(iii) 47,12,500 shares to public. All the shares were taken up
entirely in each category.
Two new systems for business applications in the form of Rolta station 386B/486B were introduced. The Company also launched two new workstations, namely Rolta station 7400 and 6400. A modern and upto date Data conversion centre was established at Andheri, Mumbai. A
direct satellite communication link was also established between the Mumbai facility and U.S. subsidiary's facility at Alabama.
The Company incorporated in USA a wholly owned subsidiary in the name of `Rolta International Inc' with a capital outlay of US $2 million for providing engineering software and services to its overseas customers and collaborators.
During October the Company issued 77,66,336 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 20 per share on rights basis in the proportion of 3:10. All were taken up.
A new Office Automation division was started to market full range of Intel based Computer system with suitable application packages for business and commercial applications.
A prestigious global order was received for AM/FML utilities Management/CAD conversion project in Saudi Arabia.
During the year, the Company introduced technical desk top series of power stations with Intel Pentium processor. The Company introduced an integrated modular transaction based on true on-line banking software called `Robust', working under the latest operating system from
Microsoft viz. Windows NT. A distribution agreement was entered into with QMS, USA, for introduction of heavy duty laser printer raning from 10 PPM to 38 PPM print speeds and handling a range of paper sizes from B5 to A3.
The Company had negotiated a strategic tie up with Dell Computer Corporation for distribution and support of its products in India including High & Dual QUAD Pentium Processor Servers, ebservers, Opliplex range of desk tops etc.
The Company undertook to set up a joint venture in Saudi Arabia to cater to the vast markets in the Middle East.
The Company issued 84,56,350 No. of equity shares at a premium of private placement basis with FIIS and others aggregating Rs 26.40 crores.
The Company also issued and allotted 25,00,000 zero interest secured fully convertible debentures of Rs 15 each on private placement basis. These were converted into 25,00,000 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 5 per share within 18 months from the date of allotment of debentures i.e. 1.7.94. Accordingly 25,00,000 shares allotted.
The Company entered into a collaboration agreement with M/s. Intergraph Corporation, USA, for ongoing transfer of technology thereby giving the benefit of Research and Development Investment of Intergraph and also covers all new products launched by Intergraph.
The Company focussed its attention on 3D plant modelling and conversion services for plant design photogrammetry, as-built visualization, etc. The Company undertook to augment the
State-of-the-art production facilities in Mumbai for executing export orders.
50,00,000 No. of equity shares allotted or exercise of warrants.
The company has set up a wholly owned subsidiary, Rolta International Inc. with headquarters in the USA and a subsidiary in Saudi Arabia.
Rolta India had signed a strategic tie up with one of the Fortune 500 list of most admired companies, DELL Computer Corporation.
The company is an ISO 9001 certified company.
Rolta, is the number one company dedicated to CAD/CAM/GIS Interactive Graphics. It is also a leading global supplier of AM/FM and CAD/CAM services. It was ranked amongst the top 20 computer system vendors in India by the well known Computer's Today Magazine.
RIL has formed a subsidiary in Amsterdam to exploit European markets.
RIL has a collaboration with Inter graph Corp Inc, a company which has 90 per cent share in the global business of CAD/CAM.
The company has entered into mapping and data conversion in a big way for the export markets.
Rolta India has also taken up an expansion project to provide 2D/3D plant modelling and conversion of P&ID into intelligent database for plant maintenance worldwide.
Rolta has set up three subsidiaries outside India -- Rolta International Incorporated in the US, Rolta Europe in the Netherlands and Rolta Saudi Arabia.
The company has also set up a 10-member team initially to provide the services.
Rolta, on its part, has set up engineering and software centres in Mumbai to support projects.
The company has collaborated with ALLTE, a US-based telecom company, to convert telephone exchange records into Unix/Oracle database.
Rolta India will launch its Internet services, RoltaNet in August.
Rolta India and Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC) have entered into a strategic alliance to promote advanced solutions in mechanical design automation (MDA) in the country.
Reclassification of the present authorised capital of the company by converting the preference capital of Rs. 10,00,00,000/- into equity shares.
The company Issue equity shares on preferential basis by way of ADR/GDR/Private placement to FIs/FIIs/ Bodies Corporate/other Investors.
The Company is set to roll out its `Rolta-Pass 4-in-1' Internet package at Rs 996 for 400 hours that can be shared by four individuals from different locations.
IBM India Ltd has entered in a strategic alliance with Rolta India Ltd. to pursue the e-business market in India, to provide customised e-business solutions to domestic customers.
Rolta is ranked amongst Forbes Global's 200 best companies in 2002 and it
retains its position as in premier league.
Rolta India Ltd launches its operation in UK, through a wholly owned subsidiary
Rolta UK Ltd.
Rolta Ltd offers Rolta Tel plus - an easy to use scheme whereby users can make
international calls from their regular telephone instrument.
Rolta India informs that it is in first 250 list of the Deloitte Touche Tomatsu Asia-pacific
Technology Fast 500.
Rolta launches new dial-up internet packages with a range of features and options.
Rolta India Ltd signs the memorandum of Understanding with Department of Science
and Technology to jointly showcase the contribution made by the Indian mapping community.
Rolta India Ltd has featured amongst the 200 best companies, making it for third time in a row.
Stone & Webster Engineering Projects Private Limited, ("Stone & Webster"), and Rolta have entered into a memorandum of understanding for a strategic business alliance pursuant to which Stone & Webster and Rolta Limited are to form a joint venture company in India.
Delists shares from three Stock Exchanges:
a) The Stock Exchange, Ahmedabad
b) Bangalore Stock Exchange Ltd
c) The Delhi Stock Exchange Association Ltd
Shaw Group Inc's affiliate Stone & Webster Inc (Stone & Webster) and Rolta sets up Joint Venture Company in India
Rolta India receives BS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certification
The Mumbai-based Rolta, a leading IT services provider, has inked a purchase agreement to buy Orion Technology, a Canadian software and integration company. Orion specialises in enterprise web-geographical information system solutions.
Rolta India Ltd on January 23, 2008 has announced the acquisition of Broech Corporation, doing business as "TUSC", an IT Consulting Company specializing in ERP applications as well as Database and Business Intelligence solutions based on Oracle technologies.
Rolta India Ltd has appointed Ms. Preetha Pulusani as whole time Director designated as Joint Managing Director of the Company from March 01, 2008.
Rolta India Ltd has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on April 17, 2008, inter alia, has appointed Mr. V K Chopra as an Independent Director on the Board of the Company.
Mumbai: Rolta India has bought the US-based business intelligence vendor WhittmanHart Consulting.
The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:1.
Rolta inaugurates its new Development and Delivery Centre in SEEPZ-SEZ in Mumbai
Rolta Unveils Service-Oriented Solutions that Empower Customers to Realize Rapid ROI
Rolta launches cutting edge Earth Science Solutions for world-wide markets
ROLTA was ranked at the #1 position in Human Relations (HR), and at the 3rd position in the 2009 DAT AQUEST survey of Best Employers in the IT sector.
Rolta partners with Infoterra France for Pixel Factory Image Processing Technology
Rolta wins a prestigious Nuclear Reactor System Engineering Design
Rolta acquires OneGIS, Inc. of Atlanta, GA, USA
Rolta Offers Cutting-Edge Geoimaging Technologies to Serve Global
Rolta acquires PCI Geomatics licenses
Rolta partners CBSE to educate students on Geospatial Technologies
Rolta Awarded Nationwide Orthophoto/Mapping Project for Oman
ROLTA Wins FICCI Award for Excellence in Science, Technology and Technological Innovation
Rolta India buys ACLS Systems
Qatar's Ashghal Teams with Rolta to Implement Unique System for capital Project Management
ROLTA receives HFI Level - 5 Certification for Capability Maturity Practices in Software Usability
Rolta India enter MoU with GeoEye to gain access high resolution satellite imagery
Rolta India extends relationship with Oracle with Rolta OneView
Rolta Establishes Gold Tier Partnership with Esri
Rolta Makes Strategic Acquisition of AdvizeX, USA
Rolta Establishes Global OEM Partnership with SAP
Rolta India Ltd has titled "Rolta Achieves Highest Global Rating for Usability of its Solutions".
"Rolta Wins Multi-Million US $ Contract for Engineering Systems for Sadara, Saudi Arabia".
"Roltas Wins Second Major Project from NSA, Oman"
"Rolta Offers High-performance In-memory BI and Big Data Analytics Solutions"
"Roltas wholly owned subsidiary, Rolta, LLC, raises USD 200 million"
"Rolta Announces Three Rapid-Deployment Solutions Based on SAP® Software".
"Rolta OneView in Top Right "Exemplar" Quadrant of Product Excellence Matrix for Analytics Products"
"Rolta Wins Multi-million Dollar Follow-on Award for Engineering Systems for Sadara, Saudi Arabia"
"Rolta Receives 2014 SAP@ Pinnacle Award : OEM Partner of the Year
"Rolta Wins Another Project for Creating a 3D City Model"
Rolta has bagged an additional multi-million dollar order from Sadara Chemical Company in Saudi Arabia, reported PTI.
MoD selects BEL-Rolta consortium as a Development Agency for the Battlefield Management System Project
Rolta inks MoU with Hitachi to explore new opportunities
Rolta's solution wins the prestigious eGovernment Excellence Award
Rolta India wins award at Frost & Sullivan India ICT event
Rolta India Rolta wins "Excellence in Analytics 2015" award by NASSCOM
"Rolta wins "IT Solutions Provider of the Year" Award for 2nd Consecutive Year".
Rolta wins prestigious Digital Transformation projects totalling Rs. 365 Crores in India.