Sanofi India Ltd
Sanofi India Ltd Company History
Sanofi India is primarily engaged in the business of manufacturing and trading of drugs and pharmaceuticals. The Company has its own manufacturing facility at Goa. The Company also has various independent contract / third party manufacturers based across the country. The Company sells its products through independent distributors primarily in India.(Source : 202312 Annual Report Page No: 81)
The Company was incorporated as Hoechst Fedco Pharma Pvt. Ltd. on
31st March. The word `Private' was deleted on 19th April, 1961 as the
Company was deemed to be Public Limited Company under Section 41-A of
the Act.
The Company manufacture bulk drugs, drug intermediates, veterinary
formulations and pesticides. They established with financial and
technical collaboration of Farbwerke Hoechst AG (now Hoechst AG), West
Germany, which is one of the largest chemical and pharmaceutical
manufacturing groups in the world.
Under the Licence and Technical Collaboration Agreement dated 11th
July, made between Hoechst AG and the Company, the Company was inter
alia granted the right to use the word `HOECHST' in its corporate name
and the use of the trade marks owned by Hoechst AG in India in respect
of various pharmaceutical preparations which would be manufactured and
marketed by the Company in India on the terms and conditions mentioned
in the said Agreement.
10,000 Pref. and 10,000 No. of Equity shares of Rs 100 each issued to
promoters. 5000 Pref. and 9,867 No. of Equity shares as Rights in
proportion to holdings.
The Company set up a manufacturing unit at Mulund, for production of
basic drugs. In also manufactures intermediates including some of the
latest discoveries in the Hoechst Group involving high technology and
application of sophisticated modern manufacturing techniques. It also
supplies basic drugs to other pharmaceutical companies in India as well
as to Europe.
28,133 No. of Equity shares issued as Rights.
37,800 bonus equity shares issued, propn., 3:5. In June and August,
17,000 No. of Equity shares issued as Rights.
57,222 Bonus equity shares issued in the proportion 49:100.
1,64,990 Bonus equity shares issued in the proportion 94:100,
1,70,256 Bonus equity shares issued in the proportion 1:2.
The Company set up a manufacturing unit at the Kandla Free Trade Zone
to cater to the increasing export market for its products.
2,55,384 Bonus equity shares issued in the proportion 1:2.
The main objects of the public issue was to achieve the voluntary
dilution of Hoechst AG's holding in the Company from 50% to 40% and
also to provide the requirements of long term resources for capital
expenditure to be incurred on account of normal replacement and
renovation of capital assets, continuous modernisation and upgradation
programmes to achieve efficiency and use of the lates techniques and
methods of manufacture to impart high quality and sophistication to the
product range.
1,19,538 No. of equity shares issued (Prem. of Rs 100 per share) in
July, of which 3,800 shares to business associates and 9,600 shares to
employees including working directors) were reserved for preferential
allotment. The balance 1,78,138 shares offered for public
The Land and building water works, plant and machinery of the Company
were revalued as on 31st December.
A new company under the name Hoechst Nepal Pvt. Ltd., was
incorporated as a subsidiary of the Company in February in Nepal.
A new extension of the Haemaccel plant at Mulund and a multi-purpose
fine chemicals plant for bulk drugs at Ankleshwar went into commercial
During the year, an industrial licence was obtained for the
manufacture of Petoxifylline (TRENTAL), 2 tonnes of Ciclopiroxolamine
(BATRAFEN), an antifungal drug and 5.30 lakhs TPA of diagnostic
reagents at Ankleshwar.
Industrial licence was, received for the manufacture of 2 lakh doses
of purified chick embroy cell culture vaccine (Human rabies vaccine)
known as RABIPUR.
The Company obtained Central Government approval under the M.R.T.P.
Act, 1969 to the establishment of a new undertaking for producing,
processing and selling hybrid and high - yielding varieties of seeds.
The Company issued 2,30,000 - 14% secured redeemable non-convertible
debentures of Rs 100 each on private placement basis. These are
redeemable at a premium of Rs 5 per debenture on 1st February, 1996.
The Company re-entered the antifugual market with the introduction of
"BATRAFEN" which was an original research product of the Company's
collaborators Hoechst AG, West Germany.
The Company introduced a new insecticide "HOSTATHION". "FLAVOMYCIN",
a modern performance promoter for poultry was launched during the year.
The Pharma formulation plant was commissioned at Ankleshwar in
October, liquid injectible automatic filling line was commissioned in
Mulund in September.
New pharma products introduced were TARIVID (a modern oral
antibacterial), AVIL retard (sustained release formulation for
treatment of allergies) and TABLON (a formulation containing Ibuprofen
for the treatment of pain).
In co-operation with Boots Pharmaceuticals Ltd., a new anti-arthritic
drug `FLUROFEN' was introduced.
A letter of intent were received for BARALGAN Ketone and fomulations,
Glybenclamide and formulations, Hostathion technical and formulations,
Fenbendazole substance and formulations and Ethion technical and
formulations at the Company's works in Ankleshwar. Industrial license
was received for manufacture of LASIX retard besides receiving
endorsement for manufacture of 13 tonnes of AVIL maleate.
A new herbicide Klass (Diuron) was introduced during the year.
`Butox' and `Tolzan' were the new products introduced for external and
internal parasites.
Industrial licences were received for manufacture of Tonophosphan,
Berenil and Fenbendazole and their formulations at Ankleshwar. Letters
of intent were received for manufacture of Novalgin tablets and
Roxatidine and their formulations at Ankleshwar and Lasiride and
Betrafen and their formulations at Mulund.
The Company revalued its free-hold land, buildings etc and the net
surplus of Rs 470,733,868 arising out of its was transferred partly to
capital reserve (Rs 149,489,737) and to Revaluation reserve (Rs
A modern anti hypertensive `Rene Dil' and latest anti-ulcer drug.
`Rotane' were introduced during the year.
Industrial licences were received for manufacture of Baralgan,
Glybenclamide, and their formulations, Roxatidine, Lasiride and
formulations and Novalgin tablets at Ankleshwar and Batrafen
formulations at Mulund.
Letters of intent were received for manufacture of Ranipril and
formulations, Tabalon tablets and Tarivid tablets at Ankleshwar and
cosavil syrup and Streptase formulations at Mulund.
An additional super centrifuge and auxilliary equipments for the PCEC
plant in Ankleshwar were installed and commissioned.
19,38,411 No. of Equity shares of Rs 10 each issued at a premium of
Rs 60 per share to Hoechst AG to raise its capital from 40% to 51%.
A product cardare, an ACE inhibitor was introduced. An oral typhoid
vaccine called typhonal was also introduced. Candur-R, and antirabies
vaccine was launched during the year.
With effect from 1st April, the Scheme of Arrangement was sanctioned
for transfer of the company's agrochemicals division to Hoechst
Schering Agrofoo Ltd. In terms of the scheme every shareholder of the
Company holding 50 shares, were allotted 10 shares of Rs 10 each of
Hoechst Schering Agrofoo Ltd. without any payment.
Roussel India, Ltd. in which the Company held 4,18,560 No. of equity
shares out of 6,27,840 No. of equity shares of Rs 100 each issued is a
subsidiary of the Company.
115,15,311 shares issued at a bonus shares in proportion 1:1.
The new products such as ACE inhibitor, Cardace etc. was attributed.
The Company launched INSUMAN (human insulin) apart from Floxidin a new
broad spectrum antibiotic. Due to the technical difficulties, the
Company had to close both foot and mouth disease vaccine and Candur DHL
Roussel India Ltd., the Company's subsidiary was amalgamated with the
Company. Accordingly the name of the Company was changed to Hoechst
Marion Roussel Ltd., effective 1st January, 1996.
`Insuman' an anti-diabetic drug was launched. The production of
`Baralgan' was suspended as per the Govt. order.
The capacity of Rabipur plant at Ankleshwar was expanded from 1.8
million doses to 3.5 million doses per annum to meet the increased
demand for the product.
The Company proposed to set up a joint venture company with Chiron
Corporation, USA for manufacture of vaccines of Chiron group. The
company proposed to take up 49% of the share capital of the said
The Company proposed to introduce four new products viz. Frisium
(anti-epileptic). Amaryl (oran anti-diabetic) cefrom (4th generation
cephalosporin) and Targocil (Glycopeptide)
The German drug multinational Hoechst Roussel is buying out the
equity stakes of Colour Chem and two individual entrepreneurs in its
Indian joint venture, Hoechst Roussel Vet Private Limited, to convert
it into a fully-owned subsidiary.
Currently, Hoechst Roussel Vet GmbH, along with its subsidiary
Hoechst Schering Agrevo Ltd, holds 51 per cent equity in the joint
Hoechst-Huabei Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd, is a 50:50 greenfield joint
venture between Hoechst Marion Roussel and North china Pharmaceutical
Group Corporation (NCPC).
Hoechst Marion Roussel recently forged a manufacturing joint venture
for vaccines with the Chiron group in India.
Hoechst Marion Roussel (HMR), a 51 per cent subsidiary of Hoechst
Marion Roussel, Germany, has a significant presence in pharmaceutical
and agrochemicals industries.
The new joint venture company will manufacture the anti rabies
vaccine Rabipur and other vaccines of the Chiron Group.
HMRL had purchased the 33.33 per cent shareholding of Roussel
Laboratories UK in Roussel India, to make the latter a 100 per cent
subsidiary of HMRL.
The company is all set to transfer its animal healthcare business to
a joint venture company, in which HMR will have a 49 per cent stake and
Chiron Corporation of the US 51 per cent.
Hoechst proposes to enter into a joint venture with Chiron
Corporation of USA for the manufacture of vaccines.
Hoechst Marion Roussel has launched a voluntary retirement scheme
(VRS) at its Mulund factory in Mumbai.
The Company plans to introduce variants of brands like Allegra and
Tavanic in the domestic market.
The Company has re-designated Ramesh Subrahmanian as deputy managing
director of the company with effect from 1st July.
The Company and Rhone-Poulenc Rorer (India) Ltd. two separate Indian
subsidiaries of the French Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals major, Aventis
SA, are implementing employee stock option schemes as part of the
parent company's worldwide strategy.
Hoechst Marion Roussel Ltd. will acquire 29,55,608 No. of Equity
shares of Rhone-Poulenc Rorer at Rs 15 per share.
Hoechst Marion Roussel will now be known as Aventis Pharma even as it
aims to maintain a leading position within the Indian pharma sector.
Aventis Pharma Ltd has informed that the Board of Directors of the company has, at its meeting held on October 30, 2002 appointed Mr W Wagner as a Director of the company in the casual vacancy caused by resignation of Mr J Silvestre.
Bombay High Court sanctions amalgamation of Rhone-Poulenc Rorer
with Aventis Pharma Ltd.
Aventis Pharma increased its sales to Rs.261cr by 16% as against the corresponding
period of the previous year.
Aventis Pharma Ltd has filed a lawsuit against alleging patent infringement on Six Orange
Book patent .
CRISIL withdrew its AAA rating for the Rs.30cr non-convertible Debenture issue
of Aventis Pharma Ltd.
Mr.M.G. Rao and Dr.S Bhattacharya have been appointed as Alternate Directors to
Dr.Carlo de Notaristefani and Mr.W.W.Wagner.
Aventis Pharma has appointed Mr.Ramesh Subramanian, MD as the Vice-president
of the Respiratory Sales for North-East and Mid-Atlantic US.
Aventis Pharma Ltd has informed that the Company had entered into a Joint Venture (JV) Agreement in April 1998 with Chiron Corporation, USA (Chiron) for the manufacture of the anti-rabies vaccine, Rabipur and for the grant of distribution rights in India to the Company for certain Chiron vaccines.
Aventis Pharma Limited has appointed Mr. Eric Le-Bris as an Additional Director.
Aventis Pharma Limited has appointed Mr. S.C. Ghoge as Alternate Director to Mr. Eric Le-Bris. Mr. Ghoge being an employee of the Company, has been appointed a Wholetime Director".
Mumbai: Aventis Pharma has launched insulin drug Lantus in a prefilled disposable pen called Solostar.
Aventis Pharma Ltd has informed about the following changes which have taken place in the Board of Directors of the Company:
1. Mr. M. Dargentolle, Chief Financial Officer of the Company who was Alternate Director to Mr. O. Charmeil has been appointed a Director of the Company with effect from July 19, 2010.
2. Mr. J. M. Georges, Director, Industrial Pharma Intercontinental of the sanofi-aventis Group and Mr. F. X. Duhalde, Director - Finance & Administration of the sanofi-aventis Group, have been appointed as Additional Directors of the Company with effect from July 29, 2010.
Aventis Pharma Limited Acquisition of Nutraceutical Business of Universal Medicare Private Limited
Sanofi India, in association with HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd, has launched an exclusive Fun Center for pediatric patients in Bangalore, Karnataka
Sanofi India launches re-usable insulin pen AllStar for Indian patients
Sanofi appoints Susheel Umesh as Head of Commercial Operations for its Pharmaceutical Operations in India
Company has changed its name from Aventis Pharma Ltd. to Sanofi India Ltd.
Sanofi India launches Combiflam Plus.
Sanofi ties up with IDF, PHFI to fight against diabetes among children in India.
"Sanofi partners with PVR Nest for innovative 'Healthy Children, happy children initiative".
"Madhuri Dixit creates signature diabetes dance step for 'What Step Will you Take Today', a Sanofi India initiative".
Sanofi India inks pact with Suzlon Energy for renewable energy.
Sanofi India - Diabetic Teen from Pune achieves unique feat.
Sanofi partners with Emcure Pharmaceuticals for marketing and distribution of its oncology portfolio in India.
Sanofi delivers 4 lakh Shan5 vaccine doses to Gwalior and Jabalpur to support the immunization of children from five pediatric diseases
Sanofi India Ltd has shifting the Registered Office from Andheri East, Mumbai 400093 to Saki Vihar Road, Powai, Mumbai - 400072.
Sanofi and RSSDIÂs ÂMega Walkathon triggers zest for diabetes control in Lucknow City
"Sanofi India collaborates with National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) Kolkata, to promote academic excellence and research".
Sanofi India launches Combiflam ICYHOT pain relief.
23 young people with Âtype 1 diabetes scaled MaharashtraÂs highest peak in IndiaÂs first T1D Challenge.
Sanofi launches new diabetes treatment insulin in India.
Sanofi launches its multiple sclerosis treatment drug in India.
Sanofi launches Âonce daily oral tablet ÂAubagio'.
Sanofi India join hands to reduce diabetes burden on the StateÂs health exchequer.
Sanofi Pasteur Launches VaxLine in India.
Sanofi India Launches ÂAllergy FreeÂ.
Sanofi Pasteur Launches Tetraxim, the First Full-Dose DTaP Booster Vaccine in India for Preschoolers.