Shiva Cement Ltd
Shiva Cement Ltd Company History
Shiva Cement is engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of cement, clinker and trading of allied products. The Company is operating its clinkerisation facility with production capacity of 660000 MT.
Shiva Cement Ltd, has secured an order from the Tata Steel for supply of cement.
Shiva Cement ties up an ECB with Habib Bank, Zurich.
Government of Orissa through its PR Deptt has approved Sumangal Brand Cement for development works.
Shiva Cement comes out with new tech for iron ore processing
Shiva Cement receives First Prize for overall performance for Khatkurbahal Limestone Mines.
The Company has signed a MOU with a local Company for the transfer of process know how for Iron Ore Benefication.
The Company has entered into an agreement for supply of Cement, with Govt. of Orissa through the Project Director, District Rural Development Agency (DRDA).
The Company has been awarded 1st Prize for over all performance in Chaibasa Region of their 'Khatkurbahal Limestone Mines'.
The Company has entered into a Marketing Alliance with ACC Ltd, Mumbai through supply agreement.
Shiva Cement enters into agreement with SAIL-RSP.
The Company signed MOU with Govt. of Orissa for expanding the plant capacity upto 2.6 Mn.T per annum.
Shiva Cement Ltd has appointed Shri. Santosh Kumar Jain as Director of the Company
Appointment of Shri B C Srivastava as director of the company.
The Company recieved the sanction letter from Govt. of Orissa for additional 25.69 acres land.
The Company have won first prize for "Best over all performance" on the occasion of 48th Mines Safety Week Celebration, Chaibasa Region under Directorate General of Mines Safety, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India.
Bonus Issue in the ratio of 1:10.
The Company has been selected for the National Safety Award (Mines) for the year 2008 under the category "Lowest injury frequency rate" by the Directorate General of Mines & Safety, Dhanhad, Govt. of India.
The Company have received a "Certificate of Merit" awarded by 'Dalal Street Investment Journal' for ranking among India's top 400 small cap company.
ShivaCement signed MOU with Govt. of Odisha for expanding the plant capacity.
The Company have received environment clearance from Ministry of Forest & Environment (MoEF), Govt. of India vide no. J-11011/2008-1A II(1) dtd. May 23, 2011 for expanding plant capacity from 0.132 MTPA to 1.05 MTPA.
Kharkurbahai Limestone Mines of Shiva Cement Ltd has been awarded Second prize in "Air Quality Management" during 14th Mines Environment & Mineral Conservation Week 2011-12 under the Aegis of Indian Bureau of Mines, Govt. of India.
Khatkurbahal Limestone Mines of Shiva Cement Ltd has been awarded first prize in Sedimentation & Water Management for FY 2012-13 under the Aegis of Indian Bureau of Mines, Govt. of India.
Shiva Cement Ltd's Khatkurbahal Limestone Mines of Shiva Cement Ltd has been awarded 2nd prize in "Air Quality Management" for FY 2012-13 under the Aegis of Indian Bureau of Mines, Govt. of India.
Credit Analysis & Research Ltd (CARE) have re-affirmed the ratings to the Company as "CARE BBB" (Triple BBB) for long term facilities upto Rs. 185 crore and "CARE A3" (A Three) for short term facilities upto Rs. 1.5 crore.
Cement and allied products manufacturer Shiva Cement Ltd said that the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has granted a BIS certification license for additional product called Portland Pozzolana Cement (Fly ash).
The Engineer-in-Chief (Civil), Govt. of Odisha has recommended for use of ÂSumangal brand cement manufactured by Shiva Cement Ltd. in the departmental construction works .
Credit Analysis & Research Ltd (CARE) have re-affirmed the credit rating to be "CARE BBB" (Triple BBB) for long term facilities and "CARE A3" (A Three) for short term facilities, as assigned.
Shiva Cement Ltd the Company's Limestone Mines is awarded with second prize for "General Working" on the occasion of 53rd Annual Mines Safety Week Celebration 2015.
Shiva Cement Ltd is awarded with second prize in Management of Sub-grade minerals for the year 2014-15 by Indian Bureau of Mines during 17th Mines Environment & Mineral Conservation Week..
Shiva Cement was one of the companies to be recognised during the 58th Annual Metalliferous Mines Safety Week Celebration 2020.
Company received Achievement award for Corona Warrior organized by Construction Industry Development Council.