Sundaram Finance Ltd
Sundaram Finance Ltd Company History
Sundaram Finance is primarily engaged in the business of financing of Commercial vehicles, Cars, construction equipment and other vehicles in the retail segment.
The Company was incorporated on 11th August, and converted into a
Public Limited in 1961. The main object of the company carries on hire
purchase business and equipment leasing.
19,958 shares issued as bonus shares.
5,00,000 Bonus shares issued in prop. 1:2 to shareholders on 29th
5,00,000 Bonus shares issued in prop. 1:3 to shareholders on 20th
The Company started equipment leasing operations.
10,00,000 Bonus shares issued in prop. 1:2 to shareholders on 9th
The Company started Marketing Allwyn Nissan Vehicles.
30,00,000 Bonus shares issued in prop. 1:1.
The Company proposed to extend financial services in a phased manner
through a subsidiary.
GIC and State Bank of Mysore agreed to participate in the equity
capital of the subsidiary. Application is being made for the approval
of the Central Government.
India Equipment Leasing Ltd., is a subsidiary of the Company. This
subsidiary was promoted jointly by the Company and International
Finance Corporation, Washington, U.S.A. Sundaram Finance Securities
Ltd. and Sundaram Finance Securities Ltd. became subsidiary of the
60,00,000 Bonus shares issued in prop. 1:2.
Sundaram Finance Ltd. has promoted Sundaram Home Finance Ltd. and
Fiat Sundaram Auto Finance Ltd.
The Company issued 18.50% Non-Convertible debentures for Rs.8 crore,
on private placement basis to GIC Mutual Fund and LIC Mutual Fund.
CRISIL's top P1+ rating, denoting the highest degree of safety for
issue of CPs, was awarded to the Company.
The Company has been awarded with the highest rating of AAA (Triple
A) by CRISIL for its debenture programme to the extent at Rs.50 cr.
The Company has been awarded a Certificate of Commendation by the
Government of India, Income-Tax Department under the scheme for
honouring "Good Tax Payers" in recognition of its meritorious record in
the payment of taxes and discharge of all obligations under the direct
tax laws and is the only non-banking financial company in the South to
receive this award since it was instituted.
The company issued bonus shares in the ratio of 1:3 and thereafter
rights shares in the ratio of 1:4 at a premium of Rs.25/- per share.
The Company has entered into a joint venture agreement with Newton
Management Limited, U. K. and Stewart Newton Holdings (Mauritius)
Limited for setting up an Asset Management Company.
The Company signed a letter of intent with Winterthur Swiss Insurance
Company on October 29, to set up a joint working group to prepare a
business plan as a precursor to forming a joint venture company to
apply for a licence to start general insurance business when the market
is deregulated.
"Sundaram Finance Training Centre" was inagurated on 9th September.
Sundaram Finance, Chennai has entered into a deal with Winterthur, a
leading Swiss insurance firm, to set up a general insurance company in
Sundaram Finance had signed a memorandum of understanding with
Winterthur Swiss Insurance in October 1996 to enter the general
insurance business in India after the government would open up the
sector for the private sector
The company issued Non-Convertible Debentures on private placement
basis to the tune of Rs. 123 cr. mainly to banks and institutions at
competitive rates, for tenors ranging from 36 months to 60 months.
The Company formed a Joint Venture Company with Fidis, S.p.A, Italy -
a financing arm of FIAT in the name of Fiat Sundaram Auto Finance
Limited for financing FIAT cars.
Sundaram Home Finance Ltd, (SHF) the newly-launched venture of
Sundaram Finance Ltd (SF), has entered into a strategic tie up with
United India Insurance to provide insurance cover for housing loans at
a low premium.
ICICI, ABN Amro and the company have emerged as the top three among
automobile finance companies, the first of its kind for India.
India Equipment Leasing Ltd., Aparajita Finance Company Ltd., Balika
Finance Co. Ltd. and Paramjyothi Finance Co. Ltd. have been amalgamated
with the Company with effect from 01.04.1999.
Sundaram Finance Ltd, the TVS group blue chip and India's leading
non-banking finance company, is considering entry into the banking
The `AA' rating assigned to the non-convertible debenture programme
and `FAA+' rating assigned to the fixed deposit programme of Sundaram
Finance Ltd. have been reaffirmed by Crisil.
Sundaram Finance will be launching Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance
Company Ltd. by January.
The Company has initiated moves to merge its wholly-owned subsidiary
Sundaram Finance Services Ltd with itself.
SBI signed Memorandum of Understanding with the company for marketing
the Insurance products.
International Finance Corporation extends Rs.50cr loan.
Company holds 40% equity stake in transport postal infrieght.com.
Wheels India Ltd and Sundaram Fin make second and final offer to all the balance
public equity shareholders of Axles India Ltd.
Slashes interest rates by 50 basis points on fixed deposits. Accordingly the company
will offer 8% for 1 year , 8.5% for 2 years and 9% for 3 years.
SHFL acquires Fiat arm from Joint Venture.
Uses Direct Selling Agents to increase its fleet card business.
The Madras High Court permits the sale by Sundaram Finance Ltd, Chennai, of machinery of Coimbatore Pioneer Mills Ltd by suspending the operation of the order dated February 21, 2003 of the single judge, who made absolute the interim stay granted on January 2 and January 10.
The First Bench, comprising Chief Justice, Mr B. Subhashan Reddy, and Mr Justice K. Govindarajan, while suspending the stay directed that the sale process of the machinery of the mills shall go on, but only confirmation of the sale shall be kept in abeyance.
Mandates Ogilvy & Mather to carve distinct identity for its brand 'Sundaram'.
Mr T T Srinivasaraghavan and Mr G K Raman appointed as MD and Wholetime Director.
Sundaram Finance Ltd. has informed that the equity shares of the Company have been delisted from Madras Stock Exchange in accordance with SEBI (Delisting of Securities) Guidelines, 2003 for voluntary delisting, with effect from January 27, 2004.
Sundaram Fin join hands wih SBI Life
Sundaram Business Services (SBS), the BPO division of Sundaram Finance Ltd has forayed into the overseas market by signing a three-year contract with Australia-based Total Super Pty Ltd, a self managed superannuation specialist firm
IKF Finance Ltd has informed that M/s Sundaram Finance Ltd, Chennai has tied up with the Company for purchase of HP/Lease Receivables Portfolio
Company's Chairman, Shri T S Santhanam expired on April 15, 2005.
Sundaram Finance Ltd. has informed that at the meeting of the Board of Directors held on July 29, 2008, Sri S. Ravindran has been appointed as an Independent Director on the Board.
Sundaram Finance Ltd has appointed Sri S. Prasad as an Independent Director on the Board.
The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:1.
Sundaram Finance Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on February 27, 2009, inter alia, has appointed Sri Aroon Raman as an Independent Director on the Board.
Sundaram Finance acquires 49.90% stake in BNP Asset Management
Sundaram Finance has appointed Sri Harsha Viji as Director (Strategy & Planning) of the company.
Sundaram Finance has introduced a fixed and cumulative deposit scheme for senior citizens.
Sundaram Finance has been appointed Sri. P. N. Venkatachalam as an Independent Director on the Board of the Company
Sundaram Finance enters into Infrastructure Management space
Sundaram Fin introduces 18-month term deposit scheme
Sundaram Finance has recommended a final dividend of Rs. 8/- per share (80%),together with the interim dividend of Rs. 7.50 per share (75%) paid, making it a total dividend of Rs. 15.50 per share (155%).
Sundaram Finance has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 1:1
Sundaram Business Services bags multi-year deal from Australia firms.
Sundaram Infotech inks pact with Italian firm for ERP support.
Sundaram has bagged several deals across the US.
Sundaram Finance has recommended a dividend of Rs. 10/- per share (100%).
Sundaram Finance Ltd has entered into an agreement with RSA Group, UK (RSA) to buy its entire 26 per cent stake in its insurance joint venture Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Company Ltd (RS) for Rs 450 crore
Sundaram Finance revises interest rates by 25-bps.
Sundaram Fin net grows 13% to 128cr.
Sundaram Finance begining to see aggregators coming into the commercial vehicle space.
Sundaram Finance Sunday Kutcheri in the park enters Limca Book of Records.
Sundaram Finance April-September disbursements up 12.8% to Rs 7,217 Cr.
Sundaram Finance raises interest rate on fixed deposits on select maturities.
Sundaram Finance - Sundaram Finance and Ageas Insurance announce Non-Life Insurance JV SFL and associates.
Sundaram Finance to divest 40% stake in Royal Sundaram.
Sundaram Finance Group, associate companies contribute Rs 20 cr to Covid-19 fund.
Sundaram Finance Limited has informed the Exchange regarding ''Amalgamation of SAMC Services Private Limited with Sundaram Alternate Assets Limited''.