Tata Chemicals Ltd
Tata Chemicals Ltd Company History
Tata Chemicals is a diversified business dealing in basic chemistry products and specialty products. The Company has a global presence with key subsidiaries in United States of America (‘USA’), United Kingdom (‘UK’) and Kenya that are engaged in the manufacture and sale of soda ash, industrial salt and related products.
The Company was Incorporated on 23rd January, at Mumbai. The Company Manufacture salt, by-products of salt, alkalies, heavy chemicals and insecticides and flux technical and battery grades.
37,000 equity shares issued without payment in cash.
The expansion of Soda Ash capacity from 3,60,000 to 5,00,000 tonnes per annum was completed.
The Company proposed to take up production of phosphatic fertilizer through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Tata Fertilisers, Ltd. at a complex planned to be set up at Babrala in U.P. The Company subscribed to an initial amount of Rs 30 crores in the shares capital of Tata
Fertilisers, Ltd.
30,00,000 equity shares (prem. Rs 10 per share) and 36 shares (prem. Rs 2 per share) allotted to 13.5% and 10.5% convertible bond holders respectively.
The Company issued 13.5% secured rights convertible bonds of Rs 100 each aggregating Rs 30 crores. Out of this, Rs 26.27 crores were issued to equity shareholders in the proportion of one bond for every four equity shares held and the balance of Rs 3.73 crores was issued to
employees, associates, friends, preference shareholders and deposit holders. An amount of Rs 20 per bond was compulsorily and automatically convertible into one equity share on 1.11.1983. The portion of Rs 40 each are redeemable at the end of 10 years. However,
these bond holders were given the right to apply for one equity share for every part of Rs 40 upon payment of Rs 40 in cash separately during 1st November, 1984 and 30th April, 1988.
The Company formed a 100% investment subsidiary, with a paid-up capital of Rs 20 lakhs, in the name and style of General Investment & Trading Company Private Ltd.
The Company made a rights issue of 15% non-convertible debentures of the face value of Rs 35 crores to meet a part of the capital expenditure on various schemes of modernisation and rehabilition. The issue was oversubscribed and the CCI accorded consent for the Company
to retain a further amount of Rs 17.5 crores. These are redeemable in three annual instalments commencing 9th May, 1992.
The holders of 29,73,268 bonds of Rs 80 each applied for 59,46,536 equity shares. Out of these 18,69,739 shares were allotted with effect from 1st January, 1985 and the remaining 40,76,797 shares were allotted on 1st April, 1985. By appropriating the sale proceeds of `B' and `C' portions of these convertible bonds or receiving share amount and premium, the following equity shares were allotted at a premium of Rs 30 per shares: (i) 4,014 shares during 1986-87; (ii) 3,162 shares on 10th April, 1987; (iii) 1,141 shares on 1st July, 1987, (iv) 474 shares on 1st October, 1987 and (v) 790 shares on 1st January, 1988.
The Company also issued 15% non-convertible debentures aggregating Rs 10 crores to the Unit Trust of India. These are redeemable at a premium of 5% on 19th August, 1992. The date of redemption was extented for a further period of 7 years at an enhanced rate of 19% per
40,76,797 Equity shares (prem. Rs 30 per share) allotted to 13.5% convertible bondholders. 77,69,096 bonus equity shares then issued in prop. 2:5.
Rehabilitation and upgradation of this unit was in progress. It continued to cater to the needs of expansion, modernisation and replacement programmes of the chemical complex at Mithapur.
The Company cancelled 59,970-7.14% cumulative (non-redeemable) preference shares and in lieu thereof allotted 15% secured redeemable non-convertible bonds of Rs 100 each at par. These bonds would be redeemable at par on 27.1.1999.
Pref. shares cancelled by issuing 15% bonds in lieu. 4,014 equity shares allotted against `B' & C' Parts of 13.5% convertible bonds (prem. Rs 30 per share) by receiving shares amount and prem. or through sale proceeds.
The name was changed to Sabras Investment and Trading Co. Ltd.
Effective from 31st March, the Company ceased to be a subsidiary consequent upon an issue on a private and preferential basis of the equity and cumulative convertible preference (ccp) shares of the face value of Rs 13.70 crores to the shareholders of the Company.
The Company issued 72,50,000-13.5% convertible debentures of the face value of Rs 100 each for cash at par aggregating of the face value of Rs 100 each for cash at par aggregating to Rs 72.50 crores. Of this, debenture worth Rs 67.97 crores were issued to the shareholders on
rights basis in the proportion of 1 debenture for every 4 equity shares held, Rs 3.40 crores to the employees (including working directors) and Rs 1.13 crores to NRI's. Including the retention of oversubscription the following debentures were allotted; (i) 84,96,250 debentures to shareholders; (ii) 3,64,035 debentures to employees including Indian working directors and (iii) 1,41,250 debentures to NRI's.
An amount of Rs 40 out of the face value of each debenture of Rs 100 was automatically converted into 1 equity share of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 30 per share effective from 1st April. Accordingly 90,01,535 equity shares were issued to the holders of 13.5% debentures.
The holders of the balance Rs 60 portion were given option to seek for allotment of 1 equity share at a premium of Rs 50 per share on payment of cash between 1st October 1987 to 31st March 1998. Also, from 1st October 1987 upto the date of redemption (end of the 7 year period),
the Company reserved to itself the right to repurchase at its discretion, the non-convertible portion of Rs 60 of the face value of each debenture. By appropriating these sale proceeds of `B' portion of these convertible debenture or by receiving share amount and premium,
the Company allotted 83,43,700 equity shares on 1st April 1988 and 3,58,381 equity shares on 25th October, 1988.
On the 22nd May, a Memorandam of Understanding was signed between Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., the Government and the Company for promotion of a joint venture Company under the name and style of `Tata-Indian Oil Refineries Ltd.
The Steam power plant unit continued to perform fully well meeting the stream requirement of the chemical complex, except for the outage of one 13-MW turbo-generator causing power shortage for 4 months.
The Process Equipment unit was substantially upgraded and reorganized and received approvals under `IBR' and Lloyds. The Process Equipment unit undertakes sophisticated fabrication job and manufactures heavy, sophisticated process equipment.
As at 31st March, Tata Chemicals had accounted for Rs 52 crores in the CCP and Rs 8 crores in the equity shares of the Company. A Scheme of Amalgamation of Tata Fertilisers, Ltd. with the Company was approved by the Mumbai High Court on 7th September 1989.
The Research and Development unit is oriented towards process improvement, project development, waste utilisation and environmental control, supporting production activities.
The Process Equipment division undertook equipment design and preparatory work to take up substantial fabrication of the fertiliser plant being set up at Babrala.
The Company issued 15,00,000-14% non-convertible debentures of Rs 100 each on private placement basis to financial institutions. These are redeemable at a premium of 5% on 26th October, 1996.
The Company proposed to offer financial managerial and technical participation in the Rs 3,000 crore Haldia Petrochemicals Complex (HPL), a huge green-field project. West Bengal Industries Development Corporation and Tata Tea, Ltd. and its associates are the joint sector
partners in the said complex.
42,49,864 shares allotted without payment in cash to members of Tata Fertilisers, Ltd. on its merger.
The Company achieved self sufficiency in its requirements of Kurkutch salt-a basic raw material required for the production of a wide range of products. During the year, the Company proposed to introduce low-priced, high quality iodised Kurkutch salt.
At the end of March, a new BHEL low-pressure turbo-generator was commissioned. The low-pressure turbo generator and the topper turbine suffered major prolonged outages.
The Company signed the contract for supply of natural gas to the fertiliser project at Babrala with the Gas Authority of India, Ltd. The implementation of the project remained slow due to non receipt of "Deemed Export Status" despite several appeals made to the Finance Ministry and the long delay experienced in the receipt of bulk import licence.
DGTD registration was received for the manufacture of 1,50,000 TPA of unadulterated environmentally safe detergent materials.
The Company undertaken to set up a cement plant at the existing chemical complex at Mithapur having a capacity of about 2,50,000 TPA of ordinary portland cement or 4,40,000 TPA of Pozzolana Portland cement. Budgetary offers for a wholly indigenous plant having a 900 TPD capacity was received and an application was made for an industrial licence.
The Company offered 125,00,000 - 12.5% partly convertible debentures (PCDs) of Rs 150 each on Rights basis in the proportion 1 PCD: 6 equity shares held (all were taken up). Additional 18,75,000 debentures were allotted to retain oversubcription. Another 6,25,000-12.5% PCDs were issued to employees of the Company (including Indian working Directors)/workers on an equitable basis. (All were taken up).
Rs. 50 (Part `A') of the face value of each debenture was to be automatically and compulsorily converted into one equity share of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 40 per share on 1st August 1992. Accordingly 150,00,000 equity shares were allotted.
Rs. 50 (Part `B') of the face value of each debenture was to be automatically and compulsorily converted into one equity share of Rs 10 each. Accordingly 150,00,000 equity shares were allotted for cash at par during 1992-93. The remaining Rs. 50 of the face value of each debenture was to be redeemed at the end of 10 years from the date of allotment of the debentures with an option to the Company to redeem the same in whole or in parts at any time after 7 years from the date of allotment along with the residual portion, if any, of part `B' above.
The Company also offered 123,00,000 - 14% non-convertible debentures (NCD) of Rs 100 each on Rights basis in the proportion 1 NCD:6 equity shares held (all were taken up). These debentures were to be redeemed on expiry of 7 years from the date of allotment of debentures at a premium of 5% of 10th January, 1998.
The Company issued 46,00,000 - 12.5% Partly Convertible Debentures (PCDs) of Rs 175 each of which the following debentures were reserved for allotment on a preferential basis: (i) 22,00,000 PCDs to shareholders of the Company (all were taken up) and (ii) 2,30,000 PCDs
to employees (including working directors)/workers on an equitable basis (only 275 debentures taken up). The balance 21,70,000 PCDs, along with 2,29,725 PCDs not taken up by employees, were offered for public subscription (all were taken up).
Rs 50 (Part `A') of the face value of each debenture was to be automatically and compulsorily converted into 1 equity share of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs 40 per share. Accordingly 46,00,000 equity shares were allotted on 1st August 1992.
Rs 50 (Part `B') of the face value of each debenture was to be automatically and compulsorily converted into 1 equity share of Rs 10 each at the end of 30 months from the date of allotment of debentures. Accordingly 46,00,000 equity shares were allotted during 1992-93.
Rs 75 of the face value of each debenture was to be redeemed at par at the end of the 10 years from the date of allotment of debentures with an option to the Company to redeem the same in whole or in parts at any time after 7 years from the date of allotment, along with residual portion, if any, of part `B' above.
245,84,279 bonus shares allotted on 1.10.1990 in prop. 1:2.
A major replacement job was undertaken at CEHP boiler No. 1 which was completed in a record time of 15 days.
During 1991-92, it was proposed to give consent to the termination of MOU and leave IOC had expressed the desire to do so despite the withdrawal of the Soviets and substantial cost escalations.
The last quarter of 1991, hurdles such as grant of deemed export house status for the indigenous manufactures, allocation of foreign exchange etc., were resolved.
During the year, a modern circo-fluid high pressure boiler having a capacity of 200 TPH steam and a 16 MWT lopping turbo generator set together form a co-generation systems were being installed. The Company commission the circo-fluid boiler and 16 MW topping turbo generator by 1994.
The Company proposed to add a new circulating fluidised bed boilder and topper turbine to the stream power plant for generation of additional steam and power.
Rs 320 crores Mithapur Vikas Plan project made headway with the construction of new boiler and turbine. Equipments were being added in a phased manner to the soda ash plant and production capacity is started to increase from 7 lakh TPA to 10 lakh TPA over the next 33
The fertiliser project at Babrala commissioned in December.
The Company entered into a sales agreement with Rallis India Ltd. for distribution and sales of urea from Babrala to Punjab, Haryana, U.P. and Rajasthan.
A new Circo Fluid boiler and a new 16.5 MW turbo generator set was commissioned. However, the steam-power position remained below expectation due to the teething problems in the initial stages and a fire which damaged the turbine's casing.
The testing of the new boiler and turbine were started during March, and the co-generation of power plant was commissioned in May. Equipments were added to the soda ash plant to increase production capacity to one million tonnes per year.
In order to meet increasing demand of Urea, the company proposed to double the production capacity of Fertiliser complex at Babrala.
67,771,703 bonus equity shares allotted in prop. 3:5.
The gradual increase in soda ash capacity to one million tonnes per year was continuing. The installation of a new Dense ash plant and the expansion of the Sodium Bicarbonate was expected to be commissioned by September 1997.
Tata salt recorded a market share of 32% in the branded, iodized salt market maintaining a Company leadership position.
40 Tata Kisan Kendras were being set up to provide a complete package of agricultural inputs and impart knowledge and training of improved farm practices to farmers.
Tata Chemicals Ltd (TCL) has shelved its expansion project of setting up another urea plant with a capacity of 7.26 lakh tonnes per annum adjacent to its existing unit.
Tata Chemicals may buy-out the loss-making new fertiliser plant of Sanderson Industries Ltd in Jamshedpur, which sources coke-oven waste from Tisco as its base raw material.
Tata Chemicals has decided to double its cement capacity to 8,00,000 per annum from 4,00,000 tpa at an investment of Rs.300 crore, to increase capacity of soda ash from 7.5 lakh tpa to 8.5 lakh tpa at a cost of Rs.40 crore and to foray into importing and marketing of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) along with a consortium of Indian fertiliser companies.
The company is diversifying into power generation by generating wind energy at its 37,000 acre site at Mithapur in Gujarat.
The company has proposed amendments in its articles of association for share buyback, issuing of shares without voting rights, dematerialisation of securities and introduction of employee's stock option scheme.
86,320 shares forfeited.
The company's very recent launch is `Rakshak' detergent powder which is currently available at an introductory price of Rs 19 per kg as against the maximum retail price of Rs 22. The launch of Rakshak follows the quiet entry of `Shudh' detergent powder, which was launched
a year ago, and is currently priced at Rs 36 for the same volume.
The board of directors has approved a proposal to merge with the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Sabras Investments and Trading Co. Ltd.
Prasad R. Menon has been appointed as a new Managing Director of the company.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. will be merging investment subsidiary Sabras Investment & Trading Co. Ltd. with itself.
Tata Chemicals president R K Kaul has decided to step down from the helm of the company, effective 15th October.
Fertiliser major Tata Chemicals has decided to exit its detergents business, which has a single brand Shudh, and is in talks with potential buyers to sell it.
Tata Chemicals Ltd is in talks with Gujarat Ambuja Cement for selling off its cement unit at Mithapur, Gujarat.
A major fire broke out at the Tata Chemicals Ltd. plant at Mithapur gutting a portion of the inorganic chemical plant. The Plant resumed production on March 24.
Tata Chemicals Ltd has informed BSE that Mr.Sunil Wadhwa has been re-designated as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary of the company.
Tata Chemicals Ltd has informed BSE that Mr P K Ghose has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer of the company with effect from November 1, 2002.
Tata Chemicals Ltd has informed that the Board has taken a note of the resignation of Mr Arvind N Lalbhai from the Directorship of the Company.
Tata Chemicals and HLL have cleared an exchange ratio at 2.5:1 for amalgamation.
Tata Chemicals wins a decade long Rs.400cr tax dispute, with the Supreme court rejecting the demand of the income-tax department.
Tata chem has informed that ICRA has assigned LAA+ rating to the company's proposed Rs.1250million Non-Convertible Debenture Programme.
Tata Chemicals has availed of $20 million ECB at an interest rate 100 basis points above the London Inter Bank Offer Rate(LIBOR) for three years.
Tata Chemicals picks up gas from Petronet LNG
Tata Chemicals Ltd has appointed Mr Homi Khusrokhan as an Executive Director of the company
The merger of Hind Lever Chemicals Ltd with Tata Chemicals Ltd came into effect on June 1. Consequent to the orders of the High Court of Judicature, Mumbai, and the High Court of Punjab & Haryana, sanctioning the Scheme of Amalgamation of Hind Lever Chemicals with Tata Chemicals, Hind Lever Chemicals has merged with Tata Chemicals, effective from June 1, 2004.
Tata Chemicals launches 'Tata Kisan Sansar' in West Bengal and Jharkhand
Tata Chemicals launches a US $ 150 million Convertible Bond Issue
Tata Chemicals enter into 2 separate agreements for acquiring majority stake in U.K. based chemical company
Tata Chemical's Mithapur unit, Bharat Heavy Electricals's Ranipet works and I-flex Solutions have won the IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj national quality award trophy 2004.
First step towards internationalisation. TCL acquires an equal partnership in Indo Maroc Phosphore SA (IMACID) along with Chambal Fertilisers and global phosphate major, OCP of Morocco.
Tata Chemicals picks up ICMA excellence award
Tata Chemicals Ltd on October 13, 2006 has announced the appointment of Mr. Homi Khusrokhan as Managing Director with effect from October 16, 2006.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. has informed that Mr. Prasad R. Menon has been appointed as an additional director on the Board of the Company, with effect from October 30, 2006. Mr. Prasad R.
Tata Chemicals Ltd has appointed Mr. Prasad R Menon as an Additional Director on the Board of the Company,
TCL completes acquisition of UK-based Brunner Mond Group, one of the world's leading manufacturers soda ash and associated alkaline products
Tata Chemicals Ltd has informed that the Company and Total Produce Plc (TOTAL PRODUCE) on February 01, 2007 has entered into an agreement to form a 50/50 joint venture Company in India.
Khet Se Agriproduce set up as a 50:50 joint venture with Total Produce, Ireland, the third largest fruits and vegetable distribution company in the world.
TCL  wins Deal of the Year Award for BMGL acquisition  IMA
Tata Salt  wins Popular Consumer Award and title ÂMaster Brand  Bharti VidyapeethÂs Institute of Management Studies & Research
Tata Chemicals Ltd has informed that Dr. M S Ananth, Director, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, has been appointed as an Additional Director on the Board of the Company with effect from April 03, 2008.
Tata Chemicals Ltd has informed that Mr. Arun Maira, an international Management Consultant, has been appointed as an Additional Director on the Board of the Company with effect from September 25, 2008.
TCL acquires US-based General Chemical Industrial Products (GCIP). Becomes worldÂs second largest soda ash manufacturer.
Tata Chemicals opens Call Centre in UP
Tata Chemicals Limited, UREA division achieves RC 14001 - 2005 CertifIcation.
TCL has been certified under SA 8000:2001 standard for the Mithapur, Babrala and Haldia sites by RINA India Pvt Ltd.
TCL Awarded the Business Superbrands Status
The Asset Triple A Best Deal India Award
Tata Chemicals Ltd has appointed Dr. Y. S. P. Thorat as an Additional Director on the Board of the Company with effect from January 08, 2010.
Tata Chemicals - Acquisition of 100% stake in British Salt Limited, UK
Tata Chemicals "Investment in Greenfield Port-based Ammonia-Urea Fertilizer Manufacturing Complex in Gabon, Africa"
Tata Chemicals signs technical services agreement with Notore Chemicals Industries of Nigeria, for providing technical advisory services
Tata Chemicals acquires stake in EPM Mining Ventures
Tata Chemicals - Signing of the Pre Construction Services Agreement with Technip for the Gabon Fertiliser Project
Tata Chemicals Ltd appointed Mr. Cyrus P. Mistry as the Deputy Chairman of Tata Chemicals Ltd
Tata Chemicals Ltd won the prestigious Employer Branding Award 2012, for 'Best HR Strategy in Line with Business Strategy', instituted by the World HRD Congress.
Winners of Tata Chemicals Best Chemistry Teachers Awards
Tata Chemicals bags three awards at FAI Golden Jubilee Awards
Tata Chemicals signs MoU with the Institute of Chemical Technology to set up endowment chair of Rs3.5 crore
Tata Chemicals inaugurates its new Innovation Centre in Pune
Amalgamation of Homefield International Pvt. Ltd., (Mauritius) with the Company
Cyrus Mistry launches new Tata Chemicals Innovation Centre in Pune
Tata Chemicals Babrala plant bags NSCI's Suraksha Puraskar at the National Safety Awards
Tata Chemicals inks MOU with Sanjana Cryogenics Storage
Tata Sampann Low Oil absorb besan wins the Tata Innovista 2017 award for Implemented Innovations.
Tata Chemicals launches fortified salt products.
Tata Nx Zero Sugar wins the Ayush Kamal Tarna award for 'India's Best Natural Sweetener'.
Tata Chemicals' CSR initiative 'Dharti Ko Arpan' wins the 1st Best Practices Award at the 12th National Convention on the theme of 'Making Global Goals Local Business'.
Tata Chemicals has signed a Business Transfer Agreement with M/s. Allied Silica Limited (''ASL'').
Tata Chemicals was among the winners at AsiaÂs Most Trusted Companies Awards 2018, held in Bangkok.
Tata Chemicals Magadi wins at the Digital Inclusion Awards.
Tata Chemicals Launches ÂNcourage Social Enterprise FoundationÂ.
Tata Chemicals launches Centre of Excellence to Safeguard Marine Biodiversity.
Tata Chemicals Acquisition of the remaining 25% partnership interest from The Andover Group, Inc. in Tata Chemicals (Soda Ash) Partners Holdings.
Tata Chemicals wins the coveted Compliance Team award for its compliance, ethics and governance protocols.
Tata Chemicals ranked amongst top 25 IndiaÂs Most Innovative Companies of 2019.
Tata Chemicals launches li-ion battery recycling operations.
Tata Chemicals recognised amongst IndiaÂs top 25 Most Innovative Companies by CII for the second time in a row.
Tata Chemicals bags 3rd position and two Gold level awards at CII "Six Sigma National Competition" Award 2020.
Tata Chemicals bags 3rd spot in Responsible Business Ranking 2020.
Tata Chemicals wins IndiaÂs top 25 Most Innovative Companies by CII for the third consecutive year.
Tata Chemicals wins big at FICCIÂs India @75: Chemical and Petrochemical Industry Awards 2021.
Tata Chemicals bags three Platinum level awards at CII "Six Sigma National Competition" Award 2021.
Tata Chemicals inaugurates state-of-the-art Oxygen Plant at Mithapur Hospital.
Tata Chemicals inaugurates oxygen plant in Jam Rawal Health Centre of Devbhumi Dwarka, Gujarat.
TCSRD partners with NABARD to create climate change awarness.
Tata Chemicals, Rallis Wins Silver and Plaque at ICAI Sustainability Reporting Awards 2021-22.
Tata Chemicals Aniali Limestone Mine Awarded Five-Star Rating by GOI for the 4th year in a row.
Tata Chemicals wins at the International Quality Innovation Awards.
Tata Chemicals recognised as the Grand Winner and recipient of the Most Innovative Company accolades at the prestigious CII Industrial Innovation Awards 2023