Tata Power Company Ltd
Tata Power Company Ltd Company History
Tata Power Company Electricity generation and distribution, natural gas exploration, production, transportation and distribution.
The Company was incorporated on 18th September, at Mumbai. The Company generate and supply Electricity. The Tata Hydro-Electric Power System comprises the Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd., the Andhra Valley Power Supply Co. Ltd., and the Tata Power Co., Ltd.
1,500 Right Equity shares issued at par in prop. 2:5.
15,000 partly paid shares fully called up.
The Company together with its two associated companies decided to enter into a partnership arrangement with Ebasco India, Ltd., for the establishment in India of a consulting engineering firm by the name of `Tata-Ebasco Consulting Engineering Services'.
51,536 right equity shares issued at par (prop. 1:10).
1,00,000-9.25% pref. shares offered for public subscription.
A new company under the name Chemical Terminal Trombay, Ltd., was formed, in participation with other Tata Companies and Elephanta India Private Ltd., with the object to installation of storage tanks on a part of the Company's ash disposal area at Trombay and the laying of a pipeline connecting the storage tanks with the Mumbai Port Trust's pier
at Pir Pau.
The purchase price of assets under the Khopoli Electric Licence, 1933 was determined by mutual agreement to be Rs 21.50 lakhs plus a solatium of 10% as provided in the Licence. A substantial portion of the purchase price was paid to the Company by the Maharashtra State
Electricity Board.
1,13,379 bonus shares issued in prop. 1.5.
The Company set up a new manufacturing facility at Bangalore, for commercial production of electronic items designed by its R&D lab.
Interest on 9.5% `A' pref. shares raised to 11% effective 1.4.1980 and redumption date extended to 1.4.1995. 25,965 pref. shares of dissenting shareholders redeemed.
3,50,000 No. of equity shares issued at par to public in June. 20,000 No. of equity shares issued to financial institutions on part conversion of 11% Fifth debentures (1981-88).
The Capacity of set No. 1 at Bhira was uprated from 22 MW to 25 MW.
The Company cancelled its 86,970-7.5% non-redeemable preference shares of Rs 100 each with effect from 1st April and allotted to the holders of these preference shares 86,970-15% secured non-convertible debentures of Rs 100 each in the proportion 1:1.
Forfeiture on 255 equity shares annulled, 4,56,350 No. of equity shares allotted at par to financial institutions upon conversion of loans/debentures.
A new double circuit 22/110 KV transmission line was constructed in North Mumbai from Borivli to Malad to meet the requirements of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai besides meeting loads in Kandivili, Malad, etc. It was commissioned during 1988-89.
The transmission and distribution network was also strengthened to maintain reliability of power supply by installation of 2 x 200 MVA, 220/110 KV interconnecting transformers at Trombay, a new 22 KV indoor switchgear at Saki, new capacitor banks at Saki and Kalyan etc.
The Company's proposals of 220/110 KV switching station and new 110 KV receiving station at Grant Road were cleared by State and Central Governments. The Company undertook to install a 180 MW combined cycle plant at Trombay using gas turbines.
A generator stator weighing 260 tonnes supplied by KWU W. Germany was lifted into position along with the boiler drum from BHEL, Trichy. A 110 KV oil filled cables for bulk transmission of power from Carnac to Backbay was laid to feed BEST's receiving station.
The Company in participation with Tata Projects Ltd., undertook to construct a 600 bed Grade I hotel at Tashkant (USSR).
It was proposed to upgrade the transmission lines from Bhira to Dharavi from 110 KV to 220 KV. It was commissioned by March 1995.
Six new outlets for BEST at 33 KV from Carnac receiving stations were also commissioned during the year.
Approval from the state and the Central Governments were also received for the installation of a gas based 180 MW combined cycle plant at Trombay at a cost of Rs 212 crores to supplement the generating capacity in the state.
The Companies are also associated with Siemens in the erection and commissioning of the mechanical and electrical equipment for the 4 x 130 MW gas turbines and 2 x 150 MW steam turbines at NTPC's combined cycle power plant at Dadri in Uttar Pradesh.
5,875 forfeited equity shares reissued. (Prem. Rs 200).
The Thermal Unit was shut down for 9 weeks for boiler re-certification and overhaul and reblading of four stages of the stationary side of the IP turbine.
The second 500 MW unit 6 at Trombay was trial synchronised with the grid on 23rd March.
The Company took up two major generation projects, viz., 150MW Pumped Storage Unit at Bhira and a gas-based 180 MW Combined Cycle Plant at Trombay Thermal Power Station in case of a major system disturbance and supply power to essential consumers, viz., Railways, BMC, BARC, etc.
The Company also proposed to undertake overhauling and maintenance works on gas turbines at Uran in association with Kraftwerke Union, W. Germany.
As per the agreement signed in October, the Company was to seek clearance for World Bank/IFC loan amounting $ 158 million by 30th September, 1991.
The generation at the Trombay thermal station suffered due to shortage of fuel particularly during the months October to December.
With a view to upgrade and extend the life of plants, the Company proposed retrofitting of 150 MW Trombay Unit-4 to ensure efficient operation and utilisation of generators of Units 1, 2, and 3 as electrically driven synchronous condensors for power factor improvement.
A new 110 KV substation comprising 2 x 90 MVA, 110/33 KV power transformers along with 33 KV indoor SF6 switchgear and supervisory control and data acquisition system was commissioned at Versova.
A new switching station comprising 3 x 250 MVA, 220/110/33 KV autotransformers, space saving 245 KV gas insulated switchgear and supervisory control and data acquisition system was established.
The Company undertook the projects like: (i) Erection of fourth gas turbine unit at Dadri near Delhi (ii) KWU/Siemens awarded to the companies, (iii) Undertook eletrical and I & C equipment installation works.
A modern 22 KV indoor SF6 switchgear was installed at Salsette and also a 60 MVAR new capacitor banks were installed at Versova and Malad. Apart from these, replacement of 110 KV oil circuit breakers by modern SF6 breakers at Kalyan, Ambernath, Vikhroli and Salsette receiving stations and extension of fibre optic communication network were also
carried out.
During April-May, the Company offered 20,51,555-14% secured redeemable partly convertible debentures of Rs 500 each on rights basis in the proportion 1 deb.: 1 equity shares held (all were taken up). Additional 3,07,733 debentures were allotted to retain oversubscription.
Another 1,02,578 debentures were issued to the employees on an equitable basis (all were taken up). Additional 15,387 debentures were allotted to retain oversubscription.
In addition 3,50,000 debentures were reserved for allotment to Tata Sons Ltd., Tata Industries Ltd., Investment Corporation of India Ltd., and Ewart Investments Ltd.
Part-A of Rs 300 of the face value of each debenture was to be converted into one equity share of Rs 100 each at a premium of Rs 200 per share.
Part-B of Rs 200 of the face value of each debentures was to be redeemed on the expiry of 10 years from the date of allotment with an option to the Board to redeem the same at any time after 7 years from the date of allotment of debentures.
28,27,253 No. of equity shares allotted on part conversion of 14% debs. (including 3,084 shares allotted after 1st April, 1993).
The Company proposed to install 2 x 1.25 MW mini hydro generating units on the existing Bhivpuri tailrace channel by utilising available tailrace releases from existing power station.
It was proposed to establish a 110 KV sub-station at Bandra-Kurla complex to meet power requirement of that area and also to establish a 110 KV power supply point at Mankhurd to meet additional load requirement of Central Railway.
The first 120 MW steam turbine at Uran was synchronized and the second unit was scheduled for synchronization in August 1994.
48,76,443 Rights equity shares allotted (Prem. Rs 300; Prop. 1:1). Another 5,28,165 shares alloted as per GDR issue. 58,345 shares of right issue kept in abeyance.
The Trombay Unit-7 steam turbine generator was synchronised on 9th December, which generated 650 MUS with PLF of 61.9%.
It was proposed to establish a 110 KV substation at Bandra-Kurala complex to meet the power requirement in S. Mumbai.
During the year, the Company undertook the work of strengthening dams as per designs codes in respect of earthquakes. The Government of Maharashtra had accorded its permission for rebuilding a dam at Somwadi.
The set No. 5 at Bhira was rehabilitated by changing the core & coils and was recommissioned along with a new more efficient 30 MVA generator transformer.
At Vikhroli, an additional 90 MVA, 110/22 KV power transformer was taken into service to increase the reliability of power supply. Also, a new 25 MVA, 110/66 KV transformer at Parel was commissioned.
A MOU was signed between TEC and the Tennesse Valley Authority of USA for renovation and modernisation of power plants.
The Second phase of the Trombay combined cycle power project viz. 60 MW steam turbine and associated equipment was commissioned. Work for commissioning of the unit as pumped storage generation unit was commissioned.
During February, the Company issued 91,549 Global Depository Shares representing 5 ordinary shares of Tata Power Co. Ltd., three ordinary shares of Andhra Valley Power Supply Co. Ltd. and two ordinary shares of the Tata Hydro Electric Power Supply Co. Ltd. Accordingly 5,28,165 shares, 3,16,899 shares and 2,11,266 shares were allotted to Tata Power Co. Ltd., Andhra Valley Power Supply Co. Ltd. and Tata Hydro Electric Power Supply Co. Ltd. respectively.
Equity shares subdivided. 77,70,000 No. of equity shares allotted on private placement basis to associate companies.
The 150 MW Pumped storage unit was commissioned in the synchronous condenser mode. The Company undertook the work of modernisation and renovation of old 12 MW hydro units at Bhivpuri and Khopoli Generating Stations.
The old core laminations of Bhira Generator No. 2 and Khopoli generator No.2 were replaced by new low loss laminations to reduce core business.
The Company provided services to Tata Projects Ltd., for erection and commissioning of ten new 33 KV sub-station and modification of fifteen existing 33 KV sub-stations in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain area.
1400 shares kept in abeyance issued.
56,79,588 No. of equity shares allotted at a prem. as fully paid pursuant to a contract without payment by reserved in case.
The 150 MW pumped storage unit at Bhira was commissioned. At Bhira generating station five 25 MW units were refurbished by installation of new modern turbine runners of higher efficiency.
The Company strengthened the existing network by installing new 22KV indoor switchgear at Vikhroli sub-station, by replacing old oil/air blast circuit brackers by modern 110 KV breakers at various sub-stations, by retrofitting and uprating of existing 22 KV ABCBs by 22/33 KV modern SF6 breakers, by installation of new numerical type relays on transmission lines and by installation of new micro processor based metering system by replacing existing electro-mechanical type meters.
The Company installed a major 220 KV underground transmission system from Dharavi receiving station to Backbay, South Mumbai. The Company also undertook to implement a 22 KV receiving station at Bandra-Kurla Complex to provide power supply to various commercial consumers in the area. To improve the continuous and reliable power supply, the Company proposed to set up 220 KV switching stations at Parel and Mahalaxmi.
During the year, the Government of Karanataka awarded the Multi-fuel based 80 MW power project to the Company.
3.62.5 MW thermal generating units at Trombay were converted into synchronous condensers with a 1.2 MW static frequency converter in the starting system. Also a 36 KV switchgear with vacuum circuit breakers were commissioned thereby introducing vacuum breaker technology in medium voltage distribution TEC system.
The thermal Units at Trombay operated at an on-line availability of about 74% and utilization of about 64.3%.
In order to improve the efficiency at Bhivpuri Generating Station 6x12 MW hydro units were replaced by 3x24 MW units.
The Tata Group is all set to activate a multi-pronged book entry operation which will atonce secure a higher stake for Tisco in Tata Power even while improving the former's cash flows.
The companies are at various stages of their project proposals to set up captive power units would increase the companies generation capacity by approximately 500 MW.
The company entered into an Joint Venture Agreement with Total Gas and Power India (a wholly owned subsidiayr of Total) for establishment of an LNG Terminal at Trombay.
CRISIL and ICRA have both awarded the highest rating AAA and LAAA respectively for Debentures upto Rs. 500 crores.
Trombay Thermal achieved a thermal generation of 7670 Million Units (MUs) in the year 1998-99 as compared to 7593 MUs in the previous year.
The Companies have acquired a generating station consisting of a 37.5 MW Unit at Wadi, Karnataka, in January.
The Company has undertaken to give a sharper focus to growth and enhancement of shareholder value.
The Companies have already set up the requisite facilities for dematerialisation of shares, in accordance with the provisions of the Depositories Act, 1996, and several members particularly institutional investors, have availed of these facilities to hold and trade in the shares in electronic form.
The Power Purchase Agreement for 81.3 MW Diesel-based Power Plant at Belgaum, Karnataka was signed with Karnataka Electricity Board.
The Tata group is set to merge the three Tata Electric Companies
Tata Power, Andhra Valley Power Supply Company, and Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply.
Reliance Infocom, BSES TeleCom, Tata Power Company Ltd. and Internet services provider Caltiger are gearing up to offer internet telephony services, the moment the government makes it legal.
Tata Power Ltd is in talks to acquire as many as four independent power projects most of which are owned by international power majors, in Madhyra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Tata Power Company has obtained `A' licence as Internet service provider which enables it to operate throughout the country.
Mr. A.M. Sahni has been appointed as Wholetime Director of the company with effect from November 27.
The company which is fast emerging as a key company in the Tata group, may hive off its telecommunications business into a separate company.
Tata Power Company Ltd on September 3rd, decided to sell its stake consisting of 45 lakh shares in Tata Liebert Ltd (TLL), at Rs 170 per share, to Emerson Electric (Mauritius) Ltd.
The Tata Group has steadily hiked its holding in Tata Power to 32.36 per cent as on September 30, from 31 per cent on April 1 and less than 25 per cent on April 1, 2000, when group companies Andhra Valley and Tata Hydro were merged into Tata Power.
Signs an agreement with Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. for 'Tala Transmission Line'
Tata Group declared the successful bidder in the disinvestment process initiated by the Govt. of India in VSNL
120 MW Unit 3 at the Jojobera Power Plant of the Company at Jamshedpur commences commercial production
Tata Power acquires North North-West Delhi Distribution Co. Ltd. (Discom-III), a distribution company belonging to the Delhi Vidyut Board (DVB), which supplies power to north and north-western Delhi
Delhi government signs share-holding agreement with Tata Power for power distribution in the captal
Bags Good Corporate Citizen award by Bombay Chamber of Commerce for the year 2001-02
Mr. Firdose A Vandrevala appointed as Managing Director of the company
BSES files suit against Tata Power Company with Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission, saying that it is poaching on its consumer base in violation of its terms of license
Signs subscription agreement with Power Trading Corporation of India Ltd. to acquire upto 1,00,00,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each aggregating to Rs 100 million in one or more tranches
Submits its expression of interest (EoI) to participate in Tata Sons' share buyback programme
Ties up with the UK-based energy major British Petroleum to jointly estimate the 2,184 mw Dabhol power project
Managing Director Mr. Firdose A Vandrevala elected as chairman of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) western region
Awarded the contract for supply and construction of 180 KM long 400 KV Double Circuit Transmission Line from Palandur to Chandrapur (Maharashtra) By Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
Enforces integrated automated system module developed by SAP
Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) enters into a joint venture with Tata Power to develop a 1,200 km long transmission line
Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) ropes in Tata Power Company (TPC) for the formulation of draft rules and regulations stipulated under the newly notified Electricity Act 2003
Enters into Shareholders Agreement with Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. and Tala-Delhi Transmission Ltd. for implementation of the 400 KV Tala Transmission Line Project
Supreme Court in an important ruling seeks Tata Power Company (TPC) to pay around 20% towards arrears of standby charges of Rs 4110-cr during the period of April 1999 and June 2003
Tata Power infuses Rs 352 crore in the group's telecom businesses, Rs 25 crore and Rs 115 crore in Tata Teleservices, the group's basic telephony flagship, and in Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra), respectively
Approaches Bombay High Court against an order issued by Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC), which restricts the company to provide power to retail consumers
Members approve delisting from 3 stock exchanges (Delhi, Pune & Ahmedabad)
Bags $8.9 million order brom Bangladesh power grid project
Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd awards contract for supply and construction of the 400 kV Vishnuprayag -Muzaffarnagar Double Circuit Transmission line totalling 100 route KM in the state of Uttaranchal
Jointly develop the 330 MW Srinagar Hydro Power Project in Uttaranchal with Synergies Hydro Asia (SHA), at an estimated cost of Rs 16500 million
Maharashtra Govt. took back its nominee from the company board
Started construction of its merchant power plant under the new `Electricity Act 2003', at Jojobera in Jharkhand.
The company entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. to set up a 1200 km power transmission line from Siliguri in West Bengal to Mandola in Uttar Pradesh.
In addition to the 330 MW Shrinagar project and 120 MW project at Jojobera, the company also has plans to set up new power projects.
Company has appointed Mr A J Engineer as the Additional Director of the Company wef November 19, 2003.
TPC has tendered an unconditional apology to Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) for supplying power below 1,000 kVa to an industrial estate from the Mumbai suburbs.
Duncans North Hydro Power becomes a fully owned subsidiary of Tata Power
Tata Power buys out 100-pc stake in Duncans North Hydro Power Company
Tata Power Company Ltd has informed that the Ahmedabad Stock Exchange (ASE) has informed the company that wef January 15, 2004 the companies securities will stand delisted from ASE.
Tata Power Co, Reliance Energy Ltd poised to acquire Dhabol
Tata Power acquires 100% equity stake of Tata Power Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Tata Power Company has floated a wholly owned subsidiary for the power trading business and applied to the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) for a countrywide trading licence. Christened Tata Power Trading Company, the subsidiary has been incorporated with a paid up capital of around Rs 2 crore.
Unveils special purpose vehicle (SPV) under the name of Tata Power Trading Company Private Limited (TPTCPL) for undertaking inter-state trading of power in the country
Tata Power Company Ltd has on April 5, 2004 signed a Development Agreement with GAIL India Ltd & BP to jointly participate in evaluating the Dabhol gas and power opportunity.
Tata Power Co. Ltd. has nominated Mr. Sanjay Bhatia as the State Government Director on the Board of the Company in place of Mr. Jayant S Kawale
The Union Government on May 20, 2004, cleared Tata Power Company's trading licence
Tata Power Company MOU with National Power Company of Al-Zamil Group, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tata Power Trading Company Ltd (TPTCL), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Tata Power Company (TPC), has been awarded the first ever power trading licence by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)
Tata Power signs generation pact with DVC on Maithon Project
Tata Power enters into an agreement for sale of shares in Tata Power Broadband
Tata Power joins hands with Siemens
Tata Power Company Ltd has informed that, the State Government has nominated Mr Jayant S Kawale as the State Government Director on the Board of the Company in place of Mr Sanjay S Bhatia. At its meeting held on November 27, 2006, the Board of Directors of the Company appointed Mr Kawale as the Nominee Director with immediate effect.
Tata Power Company Ltd on January 24, 2007 has announced that the Company has signed a MoU with the Government of Chhattisgarh for the setting up of a 1000 MW coal fired mega power plant in the State.
Tata Power Company Ltd has appointed Mr. Anil K Sardana as Executive Director of the Company with effect from March 01, 2007.
Tata Power Company Ltd has informed that the State Government has nominated Mr. Rahul Asthana as the State Government Director on the Board of the Company in place of Mr. Jayant S Kawale. Mr. Asthana has been appointed as the State Government Director effective March 30, 2007.
Tata Power Company Ltd on has announced the acquisition of the Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd, a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) formed for Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP). A formal execution of the documents took place between Power Finance Corporation (PFC) and Tata Power, under the auspices of Ministry of Power, Delhi.
Tata Power has roped in Korea-based Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Ltd for supercritical boilers for its Mundra ultra mega power project.
Tata Power Company Ltd has appointed Mr. Anil Kumar Sardana as an Additional Director of the Company effective August 09, 2007.
Tata Power Company Ltd has appointed Dr. R H Patil and Mr. P G Mankad as Additional Directors of the Company with effect from July 03, 2008.
Tata Power Company Ltd has informed regarding a Press Release dated January 12, 2009 titled Tata Power signs an MOU with Government of Gujarat to explore setting up of 5 MW each of Geothermal and solar power plants.
Tata Power Company Ltd has appointed Mr. A K Basu as an Additional Director of the
Company effective March 26, 2009.
Tata Power Company Ltd has said that consortium between the company and Arrow Energy has been awarded the Satpura Coal Based Methane (CBM) block in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
Tata Power - CRISIL assigns 'AA/Positive' rating to Tata Power's Rs. 6 billion non-convertible debenture programme
Tata Power's First Clean Development Mechanism registered project - 50.4 MW Khandke wind farm
Tata Power signed MoU with Korea East West Power to explore and execute Operations.
Tata Power was bestowed the prestigious "Vasundhara Award" in the industry category, given out to recognize exemplary work carried out by Industries, Urban Local Bodies, Schools and Environmental Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) towards protection of environment in the State of Maharashtra by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB).
Tata Power has won theBest Environmental Performance Power Plant of the Year - Gold & Environmental Company of the Year - Bronze awards at the Asian Power Awards 2011 held in Malaysia
It was announced by the Tata Power Company today that the retail consumer base which it has in Mumbai has gone over 1 lakh since the past one year.
Tata Power JV won bid for 236 MW hydropower project
Taking a step ahead in fulfilling its corporate social responsibility, Tata Power has launched its education initiative, Village Education Excellence Program, across villages surrounding Tiruldih, Jharkhand extending Maths, Science and English classes for around 450 students.
Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 10 to Re 1
Tata Power signs a long term coal supply agreement with PT Antang Gunung Meratus, Indonesia
Tata Power today acquired a 26 per cent stake in another Indonesian coal miner PT Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk (BSSR) through its 100 per cent subsidiary Khopoli Investments Limited ("Khopoli") with an objective to bolster supplies amid a severe domestic fuel shortage.
Tata Power has entered into a 50:50 Joint Venture with South Africa-based Exxaro Resource Limited (Exxaro)
Tata Power said that the Jharkhand State Electricity Board has awarded the company with a letter of intent for the electricity distribution franchise of Jamshedpur circle.
Tata Power Company Ltd - Ratan N. Tata steps down as Chairman, Tata Power; Cyrus P. Mistry appointed as Chairman.
Tata Power Co.has signed an agreement with Clean Energy Invest AS (Clean Energy) and IFC InfraVentures (IFC) for developing hydro projects in Georgia for sale of power, primarily to Turkey.
Tata Power Co.has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Industry and Trade; Government of Vietnam for developing the Long Phu 2 Power Project in Soc Trang Province of Vietnam.
Tata Power signs Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) for acquisition of of 39.2 MW wind farm in Gujarat.
Tata Power wins 1,200 MW project in Vietnam.
Tata Power wins "Honble Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley bestows coveted National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance 2013".
"Tata Power signs Share Purchase Agreement for acquisition of 540 MW coal based thermal power project in Maharashtra".
"Tata Power successfully commissions its 2nd 25 MW solar farm in Palaswadi, Maharashtra".
Tata Power SED to produce defense navigation system for Honeywell.
Tata Power Company has announced Rights in the Ratio of 7:50
Tata Power enters into a binding understanding with NELCO to purchase NELCOÂs defence business
Tata Power signs MoU with Siberian Coal Energy Company to indentify and evaluate opportunities in energy sector
Tata Power SEP consortium down-selected for prestigious MAKE Project of Battlefield Management System for the Indian Army
Tata Power has commissioning of Unit 1 of 126 MW Dagachhu Hydro project in Bhutan
Tata Power Company Ltd has successfully commissioned the unit of its Dagachhu Hydro power project having a capacity of 63 MW in Bhutan
Tata Power enters into a Share Purchase Agreement in relation to the 120 MW Itezhi Tezhi hydropower project in Zambia
Tata Power has commissioned 1.25 MW rooftop projects at SASTRA University - Thanjavur and Kumbakonam campuses in Tamil Nadu
Tata Power Company has commissioned one of the largest radio frequency metering projects in India
Tata Power joins hand with BlackBerry arm for mobile communications system
Tata Power Company Ltd has entered into partnership with Cargill and Schneider Electric to install India's first natural ester filled transformers
Tata Power - Tata PowerÂs Trombay Thermal Power bags an award at the Best Safety Practices Award Competition
Tata Power launches special AC Exchange programme in Mumbai to promote energy efficiency under its 'Be Green' initiative
Tata Power Company Ltd has launched an online module of the Club Enerji programme
Tata Power honoured with SAP ACE Award 2015 for Enterprise wise Technology adaption
Tata Power's Joint-Venture 120 MW Itezhi Tezhi Hydro Power Project in Zambia gets CDM approval from UNFCCC
Tata Power honoured at the National Energy Conservation Award, 2015
Tata Power and Gamesa India enter into a contract for commissioning 100 MW turnkey wind project in Andhra Pradesh
Tata Power's Joint-Venture Maithon Power Limited (MPL) Commences flow of energy to Kerala on a Long Term Agreement basis
Tata Power - The Maithon Power ( MPL) - a Tata Power and Damodar Valley Corporation joint venture company has completed its tie-up of power through long-term PPA with the commencement of power flow to Kerala State Electricity Board
Tata Power signs MoU with the Ministry for Development of Russian Far East
Tata Power bags award for best performance in power sector
Tata Power Distribution Projects obtains Integrated Management System (IMS) Certification
Tata Power synchronizes unit 1 of its 202.5 MW IEL Kalinganagar-Orissa project
Tata Power innovates with Toshiba and Cargill, to design and develop India's first Pad mount Substation
Tata Power gets forest clearance for wind power project
Tata Power Inaugurates its third Tata Power Skill Development Institute (TPSDI) in Maithon, Jharkhand as a dedication to Nation
Tata Power commissions solar unit at Rajaram Maize factory
Tata Power launches spot billing facility for Mumbai consumers
Tata Power launches Mobile App for stakeholders, consumers
Tata Power unveils four training hubs in India
Tata Power acquires 30 MW wind farm in Maharashtra
Tata Power receives order to supply to Indian army
"Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd. commissions two projects in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu".
"Tata Power's Maithon Power Plant awarded with Global Energy Management Award 2017".
"Tata Power Skill Development Institute inaugurates 'Skills on Wheels'".
"Tata Power Renewable Energy commissions 100 MW wind farm in Andhra Pradesh.".
Tata Power inks pact for electricity distribution in Ajmer
Tata Power turns around solar business to become India's largest integrated solar company
Tata Power launches Super-Efficient BLDC Ceiling Fan program for the consumers in Mumbai on World Environment Day.
Tata Power launches super-efficient ceiling fan program
"Tata Power awarded for excellence in cost management at the 14th National Awards for Excellence in Cost Management in 2016".
Tata Power becomes the first power utility to introduce QR code for bill payments in India.
"Tata Power launches Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure in Mumbai".
Tata Power skill development institute wins accolades at the Indo Global Skill Summit and Expo 2017.
"Tata Power awarded for establishing and early commissioning of the 100 MW solar plant ".
"Tata Power Solar Commissions India''s First Rooftop Solar Carport".
Tata Power awarded for Domain Excellence in biodiversity conservation at CII-ITC Sustainability Awards 2017.
''Tata Power wins Mining License Project in Kamchatka, Far East Russia''.
"Tata Power Wins Top Awards at risks related Leadership Summit".
Tata Power bags 'Par-Excellence' and 'Excellent' Award at the 32nd National Convention on Quality Circles (NCQC) 2018.
Tata Power empowers Haldia community members during the 10th Tata Volunteering Week in Haldia, West Bengal.
Tata Power Solar now launches an extensive residential rooftop solution in Bhubaneswar.
Tata Power bags "GOLD" & "Best Project From India" at the International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) 2018 Award.
Tata Power inaugurates Ajmer's first 'All-women' Customer Relations Centre.
Tata Power inaugurates its second 'All-women' Customer Relations Centre in Borivali, Mumbai
Tata Power inaugurates 4th ÂAll-Women Customer Relations Centre in ghatkopar, mumbai.
Tata Power's journey towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; making a sustainable difference for over 100 years.
Tata Power gets Letter of Intent for the acquisition of CESU Power Distribution in Odisha.
Tata Power launches MaharashtraÂs 1st All Women Dairy Enterprise in Maval.
Tata Power ranks among top 10 companies with the highest Corporate Governance score.
Tata Power and Local Colleges join hands to leverage Government Scholarship Schemes in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Tata Power recognised as one of the countryÂs Most Sustainable Companies by Sustain Labs Paris (SLP).
Tata Power bags SAP ACE Award 2020 for Adoption of Transformative Technologies.
CRISIL upgrades Tata Power Long Term rating to ÂCRISIL AA/StableÂ.
TP Renewable Microgrid Ltd. partners with Airtel Payments Bank to enhance customer convenience.
Tata Power signs a PPA with Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata to commission Indian health sectorÂs biggest carport.
TPSDI wins Gold at the 2020 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards
TP Northern Odisha Distribution Ltd trains over 500 Women Self-Help Groups in Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj districts.
Tata Power receives 'Letter of Award' from MSEDCL for setting up of 300 MW Hybrid (Wind & Solar) Project.
Tata Power and IIT Madras to collaborate on R&D, Consultancy, Advocacy, Training and Technology Solutions.
IndiaÂs largest Solar and Battery Storage Project awarded to Tata Power Solar of INR 945 crore.
Tata Power Collaborates with Tata Steel to set up 41MW grid connected solar projects in Jharkhand and Odisha.
Tata Power achieves milestone of more than 1000 EV charging stations across the country
Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited receives ÂLetter of Award to set up 255MW Hybrid Project for Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited.
Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd. and Union Bank of India join hands to facilitate Solar Rooftop adoption in MSME Sector.
Tata Power collaborates with The Indian Army to set up EV charging points in Delhi Cantonment.
Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd. launches cost-efficient solar off-grid solutions.
Tata Power launches 'Sustainable Is Attainable' - An Initiative to fast-track India's Green Energy transition with News18 Network.
Tata Power and Indian Oil Corporation Limited Collaborate to Deploy 500+ Fast and Ultra-fast EV Charging Points across India
Tata Power acquires Bikaner - Neemrana Transmission Project to boost Renewable Energy evacuation in India.
Tata Power signs MoU with the Government of Maharashtra for Development of 2800 MW of Pumped Hydro Storage Projects.
Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited signs Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with MSEDCL for 200 MW and 150 MW Solar Projects.
TP Saurya Limited inks PPA with Tata Power Trading Company Limited to set up 200 MW solar project in Rajasthan.
Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited signs PPA for 510 MW Hybrid project with Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd.