United Drilling Tools Ltd
United Drilling Tools Ltd Company History
United Drilling Tools is a leading manufacturer of Oil Drilling related Equipment’s in the country. The company has obtained Global quality standards for its major products.
United Drilling Tools Ltd has unanimously approved the revised draft Amalgamation of P & K Hightech Systems Pvt Ltd with United Drilling Tools Ltd and also approved the revised Share Exchange Ratio for the purpose of Merger:
United Drilling Tools Ltd has received the order of Honble Delhi High court, in case of amalgamation of M/s. Macro Steel Engineers Pvt. Ltd (a transferor Company) with M/s. United Drilling Tools Limited (a transferee Company), as per term of the approved scheme of amalgamation and as per relevant provision of Company act, the effective date of the above mention scheme of amalgamation is July 25, 2014.
The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:1.
United Drilling Tools receives UK design patents for pipe connectors.