AAVAS Financiers Ltd
AAVAS Financiers Ltd Company History
AAVAS Financiers is registered as a housing finance company with National Housing Bank (NHB) vide Registration No. 04.0151.17 and is engaged in the long term financing activity in the domestic markets to provide housing finance.
Incorporation of the Company as Au Housing Finance Private Limited
The Company was registered with NHB as a Âhousing finance institution without accepting public depositsÂ
The Company received its first rating BBB+/Stable from CRISIL for long term bank facilities of ? 1,000 million
The Company was converted into a public limited company and the name was changed to AU Housing Finance Limited
Consequent to the conversion of the Company into a public limited company, the NHB issued a fresh certificate of registration
The Company received its first refinancing assistance from NHB
The Company issued its first tranche of non-convertible debentures (NCDsÂ)
The Company entered into its first pool buyout transaction in housing loan priority sector
Pursuant to a notification dated December 18, 2015 issued by the Central Government, the Company was identified as a Âfinancial institution under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002
Received investment from Lake District, Kedaara AIF-1, Master Fund and ESCL (defined hereinafter)
We were assigned [ICRA] A with a stable outlook by ICRA for long term facilities of ? 5,000 million
The Company received its first subsidy from NHB under ÂCLSS-PMAYÂ
Received the ASSOCHAM Excellence Award for being the Best Housing Finance Company in the affordable housing segment
The management system for customer complaint handling of the Company has been certified to be in compliance with ISO 10002:2014 standard in respect of customer satifisfaction and complaint handling process pursuant to a certificate of registration (CCH 04 00002) dated June 13, 2018. The certificate is valid until June 12, 2021.
The management system of the Company has been certified to be in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 standard in respect of the provision of lending process; e disbursements and client servicing including redressal mechanism pursuant to a certificate of registration (QM 04 00469) dated June 13, 2018. The certificate is valid until June 12, 2021.
Aavas Financiers Ltd was awarded ASSOCHAM Excellence Award for being the best housing finance company in affordable housing in 2016.
The name of the Company was changed to Aavas Financiers Limited
We were assigned Care A+; Stable from CARE for long term bank facilities of ? 3,850 million and for long term subordinated debt of ? 500 million
Consequent to the change in the name of the Company, a fresh certificate of registration was issued by the NHB
The Company entered into first Âpass through certificate (PTCÂ) transaction with IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited
Upgradation of our CARE rating to Care A+; Positive for long term facilities of ? 10,120 million and for long term subordinated debt of ? 1,000 million
Upgradation of our CRISIL rating to CRISIL A+/ Stable for long term facilities of ? 5,570 million
Assignment of our ICRA rating to [ICRA]A+/ Positive for bank limits of ? 12,400 million and for NCDs of ? 3,500 million; and "[ICRA] A1+ for commercial paper of ? 500 million.
Aavas Financiers Ltd. has been conferred the BEST NBFC for the year 2020-21 in FE India's Best Banks Awards.
Aavas Financiers Ltd is now Certified Great Place to Work.
Aavas Financiers Limited received ICAI Sustainability Reporting Awards 2022-23''under Silver Category for Excellence in BRSR-Mid Cap.