Binani Industries Ltd
Binani Industries Ltd Company History
Binani Industries the made a humble beginning in the metals business in 1872, when Seth Pragdas Binani, a trader in metal utensils started an enterprise with his son Seth Mathuradas to import and export ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This enterprise grew stronger and bigger when Seth Mathuradas’ son Seth Govardhandas took a bold step to move from trading to manufacturing. Binani Metal Works was founded in the year 1941 with a full-fledged manufacturing plant at Howrah.
Board approved voluntary delisting of Shares from Madras and Kochi Stock Exchanges.
Binani Industries Ltd has informed that the shares of the Company have been delisted from the Madras Stock Exchange w.e.f. January 27, 2004
Kolkata High Court approves the scheme of arrangement for hive off the Zinc Division of the company to Binani Zinc Ltd., (BZL) w.e.f April 01, 2002
Mr. Braj Binani, Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) tendered resignation as Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) of the Company and its Subsidiaries with effect from April 01, 2005 in accordance with provision of his Agreement dated December 21, 2001.
Binani Industries enters into Sale & Purchase Agreement with Silver Peak Investments
Binani Industries Ltd has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on October 23, 2007, inter alia, has approved the appointment of Mr. Naresh Chand Singhal as Additional Director.
Binani Industries Ltd has informed that consequent upon the acceptance of the resignation of Mr. Sushil Bhatter, Managing Director, he has ceased to be a Director of the Company with immediate effect.
Binani Industries Ltd has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on October 24, 2008, inter alia, Mr. Sunil Sethy has been appointed as Additional Director / Managing Director for a period of 5 years from November 03, 2008 to November 02, 2013 subject to all necessary approvals.
The company has inducted Ms. Nidhi Binani as an Additional Director
Mr. S.N.Sridhar has been appointed as 'Sr. Vice President - Corporate Legal & Company Secretary & Compliance Officer' of the Company."
ITC CII Sustainability Award 2009.
Greentech Environment Excellence Gold Award 2009
Indian Institute of Metals  Non-Ferrous Best Performance Award, 2009.
The company has recommended declaration of dividend @ 30%
"National Safety Award" (Runner-up) 2010
Registered Office of the Company has been shifted To 37/2, Chinar Park, New Town, Rajarhat Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, Kolkata - 700 157.
The company has recommended declaration of dividend @ 30%
Mr. V. Subramanian has been appointed as additional Director of the Company.
The prestigious National Safety Council (I) Safety Awards-2011
Mr. Atul Falgunia, Vice President (Secretarial) has been appointed as 'Compliance Officer.
Mr Sudhakar Rao has been inducted as an Additional Director.
Binanai Group acquires Belgian company for 275 million euros.
Ms. Shradha Binani has been inducted as an Additional Director.
Mr. K. K. Saraf now joined the Company as President & Company Secretary & Compliance Officer.
National ASSOCHAM CSR Excellence Award 2012".
Mr. Rahul Asthana has been inducted as an Additional Director on the Board of the Company.
The Board of Directors of the Company have recommended a dividend @ 30% (Rs. 3/- per Equity Share.
The Registered Office of the Company has been shifted from old address to 601, Axis Mall, 6th Floor, Block C, Action Area -1, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata - 700156.
Binani Industries Ltd have recommended a dividend @ 30% (Rs. 3/- per Equity Share.