Vistar Amar Ltd
Vistar Amar Ltd Company History
Vistar Amar principal activity is manufacturing of fishmeal.
IPO of the company
Change in the registered office of the company from 29/A, Asaf Ali road, New Delhi-110002 to 405A, Prabhat Kiran Building-17, Rajendra palace, New Delhi-110008
Preferential allotment of Shares.
The equity shares of Shubhra Leasing Finance And Investment Company Ltd (Scrip Code: 538565) are listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange in the list of T Group Securities.
The registered Office of the Company have been shifted from 405A, Prabhat Kiran Building-17, Rajendra Place, Delhi - 110008 to E-25/B, 1st Floor, Jawahar Park, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092.
Shubhra Leasing Finance And Investment Company Ltd. the registered office of the Company have been shifted from E-25/B, 1st Floor, Jawahar Park, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092 to Shop No. 232, 2nd Floor, Vardhman Fortune Mall, C Centre GTK IND Area, Landmark Near Hans plaza, Delhi - 110033