VSF Projects Ltd
VSF Projects Ltd Company History
VSF Projects is engaged in Construction and Infrastructure development and Execution.
Company name has been changed from Vijaya Shrimp Farms & Exports Ltd to VSF Projects Ltd.
VSF Projects Ltd has transacted the following: The Company is setting up 1x350MW Supercritical Thermal Power Plant in 1st Phase at Ankulapatur (V), Chillakur (M), PSR Nellore (Dist) of Andhra Pradesh and The Company has got the TOR clearance for the Power Project from the State Level Environment Appraisal Committee on January 06, 2011.
The Company has engaged M/s lnvestec Bank Plc, Investment Bankers, London, for advising, arranging and raising funds to the tune of Rs. 100Mn USD in its WOS M/s VSF Energy Projects Private Limited, for achieving the Financial Closure for its proposed 350 MW Super Critical Power Project and the Company has entered into Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with M/s PTC India Ltd for selling on tolling basis 100 % of its power from the proposed 350 MW Super Critical Power Project.
VSF Projects Ltd has consider and approve raising of funds to the tune of Rs. 150.00 Crore through Preferential Issue / QIP Placement of Equity Shares / Warrants for the purpose of investment in its Wholly Owned Subsidiary M/s. VSF Energy Projects Pvt. Ltd.
VSF Projects Ltd has to consider the Demerger of Power Division of the Company through Scheme of Arrangement.
VSF Projects Ltd have Approved the proposal of Scheme of Demerger to transfer the Power Division of the Company to M/s. VSF Energy Projects Private Limited, Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Company.